TV News

Disney/ABC’s Ben Sherwood Shares Message of Social Responsibility in Wake of ‘Roseanne’ Cancellation

Ben Sherwood, president, Disney/ABC Television group, shares message of social responsibility with staff in wake of ABC's decision to cancel "Roseanne" following series star Roseanne Barr's racially charged posts on social media.

In response to yesterday’s cancellation of “Roseanne” by ABC, following series star Roseanne Barr‘s racially charged tweets, Disney/ABC Television Group president Ben Sherwood notes that the decision “came down to doing what’s right.” His response was shared via an internal memo sent to staff titled “Our Values.”

Ben Sherwood
Ida Mae Astute/ABC

The memo cites yesterday’s matter as a “reminder of the importance of words in everything we do – online and on the air. And the responsibility of using social media – and all of our programs and platforms – with careful thought, decency and consideration.”

Also in the memo was an apology to “the many men and women who poured their hearts and lives into the show and were getting started on next season.”

Below is the full memo Sherwood shared with staff.


Much has been said and written about yesterday’s decision to cancel the ‘Roseanne’ show. In the end, it came down to doing what’s right and upholding our values of inclusion, tolerance, and civilty.

Not enough, however, has been said about the many men and women who poured their hearts and lives into the show and were getting strted on next season. We’re so sorry they were swept up in all of this and we give thanks for their remarkable talents, wish them well, and hope to find another way to work together down the road.

The last 24 hours have also been a powerful reminder of the importance of words in everything we do – online and on the air. And the responsibility of using social media – and all of our programs and platforms – with careful thought, decency and consideration.

Today we move forward, together, full speed.


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