
Y&R PreVUE: Week of April 26 Edition

Photo Courtesy:CBS

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 10:15 AM ET by Venus Stone

( — The big bang theory.


On Monday, April 26 Ryder once again finds himself in jail after Daisy sets him up. Lily and Cane discuss her taking chemotherapy again, but Lily soon has her doubts. Amber could find herself in great danger. Tucker’s offer to Ashley puts her relationship with Neil in possible jeaopardy.

The Inside Story: Unusual Suspect
Victor comes forward and ‘admits’ to being the one that murdered Adam, despite his protests from his loved ones. Michael tries his best to get Victor to take back his confession before he regrets it. Unfortunately, a stubborn Victor, ruled by his guilt, tells both Chance and Owen exactly how the crime went down. Uncertain that Victor is telling the truth, Chance at first believes that Victor is confessing to protect his family. Chance soon however begins to wonder if Victor is partially responsible for Adam’s death and takes him to jail; but rather than release Nick, they decide to keep him in jail as well. Phyllis and Sharon head down to the police station to visit Nick and each get into an arguement in regards to whether or not Victor could have indeed done away with his younger son. Phyllis thinks that Victor could have in fact killed Adam, while Sharon insists that Victor would never kill. After they leave, both women decide that it is up to them to find out who really killed Adam, and both decide to put aside their differences and work together. Meanwhile, in jail, Victor tries hard to make Nick believe that he murdered Adam, but Nick isn’t buying it. and tells his family that his father is innocent. Nick, however, soon begins to be plagued with self-doubts about believing his father’s innocence. In the meantime, Sharon and Phyllis both decide that based on Victor’s ruthless attitude, he could have done away with Adam, and try their best to cast doubt on Nick’s guilt. This however puts Nikki in a tough spot when she too must determine which of her loved ones could be guilty of the crime. Meanwhile, Jack, who hears of Victor’s arrest, instantly comes to the realization that the older Newman is covering for a family member. While the Newmans and Jack are pondering who did away with Adam, Owen, on the other hand continues his investigation when new information comes to light. Chance, meantime, realizes that Victor is covering for someone when he discovers a news suspect.

A Closer Look:Unholy Alliance
After catching Lauren and Jana trying to find a way to alert someone to find them, Sara decides that she needs to make sure that neither woman are ever found. Realizing that both Phyllis and Michael are great threats to her plan, she decides to get Daisy and Patty to do her dirty work by killing them. Patty, in the meantime, starts to become unhinged in keeping up with her charade, and realizing that she needs Patty’s help, Sara manipulates her by reminding her of how Jack cheated on her when he and Phyllis had a one night stand. Becoming angry all over again about Jack’s betrayal, Patty soon joins forces to elimate her ‘competition’. Meanwhile, Sara, pretending to be Lauren, questions Amber about what she knows about Deacon and the ‘Dragon Lady’. Later that day, she finds out that Ryder has been arrested and calls Daisy to make sure she takes care of Michael once and for all.

What To Watch

  • Daniel and Amber’s marriage continues to become strained
  • Neil is upset by Ashley’s sudden change in attitude about Tucker
  • Lily get both devestating and good news

The Young and the Restless News and Headlines

  • Albie Selznick returns as ‘Detective Owen Pomerantz’ Monday, April 26
  • Love Lines radio personality Ted Stryker will return on Friday, May 7 to once again help Amber and Daniel
  • Marcy Rylan will join ‘Y&R’ as ‘Abby Carlton’ beginning Monday, May 10
  • Word is that David Hasselhoff will return briefly back to the show to reprise the role of ‘Snapper Foster’ sometime in mid-June. Also discussions of a return is that of Wings Hauser as ‘Greg Foster’ and Juliana McCarthy as ‘Liz Foster’.
  • A casting call has been placed for the search of a contract role for a character named ‘Simone’ She’s slated to be a mid-thirties African-American that is very outspoken and a stylish dresser. The role is to be slated for mid April.
  • Andrea Evans will reprise her role as Tawny Moore, Amber Moore Romalotti’s mom. She will appear Wednesday, May 12.
  • Adrienne Frantz will be headed out from the role of Amber Moore Romalotti. Frantz will leave the show Friday, May 7, where Amber will be in search for Deacon’s son.
  • SON Top 10: Who was the best of the best on “Y&R” during the week of April 19, 2010? You decide! The SON Top 10 is back! Voting begins Friday’s at 4:00 PM, EST.


  • The showdown with Lauren and Sara begins
  • Jana’s health and life are threatened
  • Amber has choice to make: her relationship with Daniel or that of her son

“The Young and the Restless” airs Weekdays on CBS. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.


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