
DAYS Recap: Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009 11:59 PM ET | By Jermetria T. Lacey

( — “Days of Our Lives” Episode Recap – Monday, May 4, 2009.


Sami sees Rafe and Arianna in a close moment and confronts Rafe about his “other woman.” Rafe finally apprises Sami that Arianna is his sister. Feeling embarrassed from her accusation, Sami continues her conversation with Rafe about EJ and the wedding. At long last Sami admits that she has feelings for EJ that won’t go away, and as much as she hates them, she’s aware it’s dysfunctional. Rafe surprises Sami by telling her he’s known this all along, simply wanted Sami to acknowledge her feelings for her own sake.

Lucas comes upon Chloe talking to Father Matt about secrets between a husband and wife. Chloe lies that they were talking about Nicole and EJ. Father Matt, concerned that their relationship may be on shaky ground, urges them to come in for marital counseling and to renew their vows. Lucas is on board, but Chloe is reluctant to examine her true feelings. Chloe goes a bit overboard in convincing Lucas how happy she is. At the pub, Arianna overhears the couple discussing Sami when Lucas reveals he’s keeping a secret for her.

Kate confronts Daniel with her knowledge of his affair with Chloe. She gives him fair warning that she is letting bygones be bygones since she owes him for saving Philip’s life. She continues to warn him if he should slip up again, she will make him pay. Kate overhears Chloe leaving a message for Daniel and apprises a shocked Chloe that while she owes Daniel, she doesn’t owe Chloe a damn thing.

Stephanie has a nightmare that Philip has been killed. Philip assures her nothing will happen to him, but Stephanie isn’t sure she can continue living this way. At home, she discovers from Max that Chelsea is moving to London to care for Billie. Stephanie contemplates leaving Salem herself, but realizes she only wants to be with Philip. As Stephanie visits Philip, Nurse Camille shoos her out of the room and attempts to end Philip’s life.

Chelsea breaks the news to Max about her imminent departure. Max wants to go with her, but Chelsea discourages this. She offers to give him his freedom to see other women, but he promises he’ll be waiting for her. The two make love.

“Days of Our Lives” airs Weekdays on NBC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.

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