
GH PreVUE: Week of May 19 Edition

By Errol Lewis

( — Passions ignite and connections arise as Port Charles readies for a shift in power.

Laura Wright


Elizabeth and Jason grow closer after she brings him to a cabin during the storm and he breaks down in her arms over his loss of Michael. Trevor and Johnny share words over Anthony and Lulu. Trevor plays a pivotal role in Luke getting arrested for money laundering. Robin wishes she could help Jason out. Patrick starts his own baby blog. Patrick admits to Robin that fatherhood is the scariest thing. Johnny and Lulu decide to keep seeing each other. Luke asks Tracy to run away with him and is surprised at Tracy’s response. Patrick and Robin agree to steer clear of each other’s blogs.

The Inside Story: New Connections Arise

After getting stabbed and pushed into the water by Jerry Jacks on the Thursday, May 15 episode, Claudia finds herself at Wyndemere and in the arms of a confused Nikolas Cassadine – Nikolas thinks that Claudia is Emily in the flesh even though his surgery also whipped out his hallucinations of her. After realizing Claudia is injured, Nikolas immediately brings her into the house and tends to her wounds. In her delirium, Claudia reveals her association with Ian to Nikolas, who himself realizes he shares some responsibility in Michael’s getting shot through his illegal dealings with Ian. In need of help with Claudia’s wounds, Nikolas contacts Nadine and asks her to come home with him, though she thinks its for more intimate purposes. Nikolas and Claudia reveals their stories on life and love. Nikolas warns Claudia that if anything happens to Lulu, he will reveal her role in Michael’s shooting.

A Closer Look: Sonny, Carly, Jax and Kate

Sonny and Carly have sex in the back of Sonny’s limo after leaving the medical care center that is taking care of a comatose Michael. Afterward, the two argue over the fact that Morgan might be safer without Sonny in his life – of which Carly presents Sonny with legal papers asking him to renounce his parental rights to Morgan. Jax and Kate both feel that they are being shut out by Sonny and Carly during their time of grief. Kate returns to Port Charles with hopes of reuniting with Sonny. Jax and Carly make love, but when Carly disappears into the night, Jax leaves leaves town and Carly with a note. Carly seeks Spinelli’s help in finding Jax.

What to Watch

  • Robin is surprised with Anna comes to her doorstep in full grandma mode.
  • Lucky tells Lulu to stay away from Johnny.


Monday: Encore Presentation (Metro Court Hotel Explosion OAD 02/01/07)

Tuesday: Sonny and Kate reunite; Johnny and Lulu grow closer; Spinelli pushes Sonny too far.

Wednesday: Jason agrees to Sonny’s terms – for a price; Anthony and Ric plot to turn Claudia and Johnny against each other; Sam agrees to help Spinelli with his sexuality.

Thursday: Jason puts together a plan to handle the Zaccharas his way; Carly and Jax realize they can’t ignore their problems any longer; Maxie uses Johnny to rile up Lulu.

Friday: Carly and Jax work on their marriage problems; Kate gets assurance from Sonny; Sam gives Spinelli further advice on how to win Maxie.

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