
AMC PreVUE: Week of May 26 Edition

By Angela Rosa

( — The aftermath.



Zach finds Greenlee purging her place of all things connected to Aidan. Zach calmly helps a distressed Greenlee remove her engagement ring as she rants against Aidan and Kendall. Greenlee impulsively kisses Zach. Kendall turns to Ryan for help. Zach pulls out of Greenlee’s kiss knowing she’s just acting out over the hurt she feels. Greenlee insists to Zach that they need to get Kendall and Aidan out of their lives. Kendall’s arrival sends Greenlee off into the night. Ryan picks Greenlee up after she runs into a flat tire. Greenlee suggests that she and Ryan ride off into the night together but Ryan knows she’s just acting out of the hurt she feels. Annie is upset to find Greenlee in Ryan’s arms. Kendall attempts to make peace with Greenlee. Greenlee would rather dismantle Fusion than work with Kendall.

The Inside Story: Between Life and Death

Jake and Frankie work valiantly to stop Tad from bleeding to death, as Aidan and Greg try to calm the crowd in the ballroom. Frankie airlifts a critically injured Tad to the hospital. Krystal has the unfortunate task of informing Joe of Tad’s dire condition. Jake prepares to operate on his brother. Tad’s friends and family hold vigil at the hospital as Joe, Jake and Angie work to save his life in the operating room. Tad’s loved ones plead with him to wake up and come back to them. Dixie shows Tad what their lives would have been like if she had lived.

Dixie appears before Adam as he watches over Kathy. After learning about Tad, Adam goes to the hospital to be there for his loved ones. Jesse and Aidan are determined to find Kate before it’s too late and in the process find letters that Tad had written to his little girl. JR accuses Adam of anxiously waiting for Tad to die. Adam is unsettled when JR informs him that he’s going to make it his life’s mission to find Kate. JR’s words hit Adam, who heads to the hospital. Jake stops Adam from going to see Tad.

Around Town:

Jesse engages Robert in a life or death battle as Angie struggles to keep the helicopter from crashing; Frankie restrains Robert, who tries to taunt Jesse into killing him; Krystal stays by a dying Julia’s side at the hospital; Zach and Kendall are grateful for what they have together as they prepare for Spike’s birthday party; Angie finds comfort in Jesse’s arms.


Monday: Annie is annoyed by Ryan and Greenlee’s closeness. Tad hears a voice telling him he needs to return to his loved ones. Krystal makes a shocking realization.

Tuesday: Adam tells Tad the truth. Krystal blasts Adam for his treachery. Greenlee can’t bring herself to forgive Aidan.

Wednesday: Aidan surmises that Greenlee has never really gotten over Ryan. Erica gives Adam plenty to think about. JR wants to settle the score with Richie.

Thursday: Tad and Adam share a rare moment of peace. Greenlee plays on Kendall’s insecurities. Babe sets her plan in motion.

Friday: Kendall hopes she hasn’t pushed Zach away for good. Babe finds herself in a dangerous situation. Greenlee and Jake drown their sorrows.

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