
OLTL PreVUE: Week of May 19 Edition

By Scotty Gore

( — He love me, he loves me not…

Melissa Fumero


After making himself at home in Asa’s mansion, David delights in making Jared squirm in front of Nora and Clint, who are none to happy with their uninvited houseguest. In an attempt to keep David quiet, Jared whacks him over the head, rendering him unconscious. Jared and Nigel scramble to keep David out of sight as very slowly come to. Natalie arrives on the scene in time to assist Jared and Nigel in tying up David in the stables. David counters Jared’s death threats by extending him an olive branch, in which he tells Jared and Natalie that if they give him money they’ll never see him again. Realizing what needs to be done, Jared and Natalie make plans to out themselves before David does. Jared pays Charlie a visit. Natalie is left shaken when Clint almost stumbles upon David when he visits the stables. Charlie knows he must rock Viki’s world by confessing the truth to the woman he loves. Charlie heads to see Rex as he braces to tell Viki the truth.

The Main Event: The Wedding from Hell

As the priest asks if anyone has any objections to Rex and Adriana getting married, Gigi proclaims her love for Rex. After nonchalantly strolling down the aisle, Adriana punches Gigi’s lights out. Marcie encourages Gigi to tell Rex the truth about Shane, however, Brody arrives at the church before she can make another announcement. As Gigi and Shane leave the church with Brody, the boy wants his “father” to come stay with them. Gigi allows Brody to bunk with them for the night, as long as he sleeps on the couch. Brody dodges Gigi’s questions about how he ended up in Llanview. Adriana and a troubled Rex become husband and wife. Bo and Lindsay recall their own failed wedding attempt. Dorian can hardly control her emotions over the turn of events. Shane gives Adriana a rather wet welcome when she stops by to visit Gigi. As Adriana tries to coax her into another scheme, Gigi drops a bomb on Adriana. Brody physically removes Adriana from the premises as she bubble with anger.

Thanks to Todd, Starr and Cole end up in the hospital. Blair demands that Todd keep his distance from his daughter. John receives confirmation on Starr’s pregnancy from Cole. Blair is floored when the doctor informs her that both Starr and her baby are in good condition. Starr opens up to a guilty Blair. Starr confesses to her mother that she didn’t tell her about being pregnant for fear of her telling Todd. Blair angrily confronts Todd. John and Cole have a man- to-man conversation. Starr wounds Todd when she tells him that she will never be able to forgive him. Blair has Todd arrested on assault charges. Langston and Markko fill John, Blair, Starr, and Cole in on all the latest Llanview happenings. Blair decides to keep Todd in the dark about Starr’s pregnancy for as long as possible. Nora promises to keep Starr and Cole’s secret. Blair informs Starr that she is the one calling the shots now. Todd is angered to discover that Blair has changed all the locks and hired Shaun for protection. Todd is crushed when Starr lets him know in no uncertain terms that he scares her. Blair stands her ground and tells Todd to find somewhere else to live. Todd leaves, but not before making one final demand. Todd’s attempt at using Jack to play hardball is met with resistance from Blair. Starr helps out her mother by explaining to Jack that Todd is to blame for Blair kicking him out of the house. Todd grabs Sam and leaves, all the while vowing to return. As they prepare to celebrate their second wedding anniversary, Marcie and Michael agree to work to salvage their marriage. However, on their way out to dinner, they witness a car crash involving Todd and Sam.

Around Town:

Carlotta gives Talia a piece of her mind; Ramsey tattles his plan to steal the Mendorran Crown Jewels from Lindsay’s gallery to Antonio; Cristian comes clean to Sarah about Antonio, Talia, and John, and the two make love; RJ is hurt when Lindsay rejects him for Bo, warns her the truth will come out, and pays a visit to Nora; Bo has a change of heart about his relationship with Lindsay; Ramsey puts his plan into motion and plans to frame Talia for the crime; Lindsay promises revenge on Nora; Antonio is unable to alert Talia in time; RJ has Lindsay’s freedom in his hands.


Monday: Encore Presentation of Prom Night: The Musical episode from June 18, 2007.

Tuesday: Marcie refuses to hand over Sam to Todd for a second time. Adriana confronts Dorian, who goes to great lengths to keep her ruse alive.

Wednesday: Todd is hot under the collar with the recent events involving Sam. David realizes Dorian is up to something. Rex begins to grow suspicious of Adriana.

Thursday: Todd pleads his case to the judge. Viki becomes worried when she can’t reach Charlie. Nora decides to see if RJ has any dirt on Lindsay.

Friday: Todd unleashes his anger on Blair while in the courtroom. Jessica delivers some startling news to Natalie. Addie is overjoyed to have David back at La Boule.

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