
Ratings Report for the Week of August 24-28, 2020

Ratings Report for the Week of August 24-28, 2020

NOTE: Please do not copy and paste the entire ratings. Thank you.

NOTE: There were preemptions on Monday

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings

(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 2,542,000 (-131,000/-1,199,000) <——- new low (3rd straight week) *
2. B&B 2,442,000 (+66,000/-951,000)
3. GH 2,076,000 (+231,000/-90,000)
4. DAYS 1,697,000 (+62,000/-346,000)

* Previous low: 2,673,000 (August 17-21, 2020)

1. Y&R 1.91/7 (-.12/-.83) <——- new low (3rd straight week) *
2. B&B 1.84/7 (+.04/-.62)
3. GH 1.56/6 (+.16/-.06)
4. DAYS 1.27/5 (+.05/-.25)

* Rounded to 1.9

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. GH 275,000 (+28,000/-46,000)
2. DAYS 200,000 (-5,000/-88,000)
2. B&B 200,000 (+16,000/-174,000)
4. Y&R 187,000 (-18,000/-174,000) <——- new low *

* Previous low: 190,000 (August 10-14, 2020)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. GH 0.42/5 (+.04/-.07)
2. B&B 0.31/4 (+.03/-.27) <—– ties low (6th straight week) *
2. DAYS 0.31/4 (-.01/-.13) <—– ties low (5th straight week) *
4. Y&R 0.29/4 (-.02/-.26) <—– ties low (3rd straight week) *

* Rounded to 0.3


Women 18-34 Viewers
1. B&B 60,000 (+14,000/-36,000)
1. Y&R 60,000 (+7,000/-33,000)
3. GH 56,000 (+9,000/-26,000)
4. DAYS 36,000 (-5,000/-21,000) <—— new low *

* Previous low: 39,000 (December 23-27, 2019)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. B&B 0.17 (+.04/-.11)
1. Y&R 0.17 (+.02/-.1)
3. GH 0.16 (+.03/-.08)
4. DAYS 0.1 (-.02/-.06) <—– ties low (2nd straight week)

Women 25-54 Viewers
1. GH 397,000 (+40,000/-24,000)
2. Y&R 320,000 (-30,000/-215,000)
3. B&B 315,000 (+8,000/-220,000)
4. DAYS 292,000 (-23,000/-112,000)

Women 25-54 Rating
1. GH 0.65 (+.07/-.04)
2. Y&R 0.52 (-.05/-.35)
3. B&B 0.51 (+.01/-.36)
4. DAYS 0.48 (-.03/-.18)


Day-To-Day Ratings – HH/Total Viewers

Monday: 1.86/2,440,000
Tuesday: 1.81/2,423,000
Wednesday: 1.88/2,539,000
Thursday: 1.90/2,504,000
Friday: 1.71/2,271,000

Monday: 1.31/1,772,000
Tuesday: 1.24/1,605,000
Wednesday: 1.31/1,759,000
Thursday: 1.32/1,726,000
Friday: 1.19/1,624,000

Monday: 1.53/2,013,000
Tuesday: 1.56/2,163,000
Wednesday: 1.57/2,074,000
Thursday: 1.60/2,082,000
Friday: 1.52/2,023,000

Monday: 1.30/1,726,000
Tuesday: 2.12/2,831,000
Wednesday: 2.12/2,863,000
Thursday: 2.04/2,649,000
Friday: 1.99/2,641,000

Ratings Archive

If you see any errors, please email me at [email protected]


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