DETAILS: ‘B&B’s’ Heather Tom Dishes on Nu-Ridge, Sibling Rivalry, S&M Style Sex and More!

Cupid may be fluttering around shooting love arrows left and right, but it seems he hasn’t been able to successfully connect “The Bold and the Beautiful’s” Katie (Heather Tom) and Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) — at least, not yet! But does Katie even truly care for Ridge? Or is her attraction based out of revenge toward her sister, Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang), who swooped in and dated her former hubby, Bill (Don Diamont)? And what about the Logan sister’s relationship: Will they ever be as close as they once were, or have these recent matters of the heart permanently decimated their sibling bond? Read on to find out!
The Bold and the Beautiful Mast Head by Soap Opera Network
Sean Smith/JPI Studios
Sean Smith/JPI Studios

Cupid may be fluttering around shooting love arrows left and right, but it seems he hasn’t been able to successfully connect “The Bold and the Beautiful’s” Katie (Heather Tom) and Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) — at least, not yet! But does Katie even truly care for Ridge? Or is her attraction based out of revenge toward her sister, Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang), who swooped in and dated her former hubby, Bill (Don Diamont)? And what about the Logan sister’s relationship: Will they ever be as close as they once were, or have these recent matters of the heart permanently decimated their sibling bond? Read on to find out!

Katie already deals with a broken heart (literally!), so not feeling able to pour out her emotions when it comes to Ridge has been extra tough on the blossoming CEO. Especially because, as Tom reveals, it’s not all based on revenge: Her alter ego has truly come to care for her sister’s former hubby! “Honestly, I think that if we do indeed go there, [the possible revenge] is the cherry on the cake, the kind of sticking it to Bill and Brooke,” she says. “I think the cake part is actually real, and I think that really, for the first time in her life, she is with someone who doesn’t have these kind of preconceived notions of who she should be. With her sister, she is always going to be a little girl, little sister, staring out the window, watching the world go by. With Bill, I think he kind of saw her as this girl that he needed to prop up and take care of and protect and get her to realize who she is, and he did all those things, but he… still sees her as that girl he first met and doesn’t see her as the woman that she is now. And I think Ridge actually really sees her for who she is now, and it’s refreshing. It’s something that she can fall in love with. And I think that’s where she’s coming from with it.”

Cliff Lipson/CBS
Cliff Lipson/CBS

As for the dynamic between the two characters, Tom points out that what’s currently happening onscreen could never have happened if Ridge’s former portrayer, Ronn Moss, hadn’t left. “”It never would have been able to work before,” she opines. “[Kaye] is so different from Ronn. And I think it’s allowing him to be almost a new character, and allowing for these other things to happen. It would never have worked with Ronn in a thousand years, and I love Ronn, it’s just that ship had sailed. He was with [Lang], and that was just it. And so I think this [recast] is kind of allowing for other stories to be told.”

Sean Smith/JPI Studios
Sean Smith/JPI Studios

Of course, if things between Katie and Ridge progress, Brooke will most definitely not be thrilled with it! “I don’t want to speak for Katherine or where [the writers are] going, but it certainly would be uncharted territory, especially with regard to Ridge,” she explains. “He has had other loves, but they’ve always played that they are the destiny. And whether or not that’s true is debatable, and I think that destinies change, and people grow and move on. And I think that Katie’s argument with Brooke is that she doesn’t: she stays the same old Brooke, and Katie is like, ‘Well, maybe you should change and grow and move on and see what else is out there for you.’ So I guess it’s an interesting dynamic, and it’s fun to play. I really enjoy what’s happening right now.”

Funny enough, though Brooke will most likely see red if Katie hooks up with Ridge, she herself is guilty of similar atrocities. But as Brooke fans know, Lang has an uncanny ability to sell her alter ego’s innocence. “She’s freaking awesome with this!” Tom exclaims. “Honestly, I don’t even know how she isn’t just loathed, and she’s not because she has this wonderful ability to just be in the moment and kind of move through the moment, and none of it sticks to her!”

But would Katie be just as successful with the “I didn’t mean to hurt anybody; my feelings are genuine” routine? That remains to be seen, but either way, Tom says the sisters’ relationship is forever changed. “I don’t think it will ever be the same, and I think that’s the tragedy of it,” she says. “They are Logan girls at the end of the day, and they do love each other, but… I think that Katie has, her whole life, been trying to get out from under her sister’s shadow, and I think she’s like, ‘I’m out. I have been out. I’m running a multi-national corporation, I was married to the most powerful man in the world and you still see me as this little girl, and I’m not that little girl anymore.’ And so I think that’s an interesting dynamic, to see them kind of really play off each other as equals rather than someone that Katie has always looked up to or someone that Brooke has always taken care of.”

Sean Smith/JPI Studios
Sean Smith/JPI Studios

Speaking of Katie growing into her own, Tom has been enjoying how the writers have handled her journey into becoming a powerful CEO. “They’re playing the reality that she is somewhat inexperienced… and this is a giant job, so there’s going to be some ups and downs,” she previews. “I love being CEO, me personally. But I think also, while she has kind of grown and evolved… Brooke will always be able to push her buttons, and she has those elements, when she is with Bill, of falling back into old routines. So you know, it’s still a part of her. She hasn’t completely shed all of those insecurities, it’s just, she’s trying to be a better version of herself.”

For Heather’s Thoughts On… several “B&B” and CBS-related topics, on the pages linked below.


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