
Y&R Recap: Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"The Young and the Restless" Episode Recap - Wednesday, October 19, 2011

( — “The Young and the Restless” Episode Recap – Wednesday, October 19, 2011.


After making arrangements to meet one another at Colin’s hotel suite, Jill departed to go visit Delia. The minute she was gone, Colin set his plan in motion. He sent out a text to Genevieve, who replied back that she would meet up with him. He then called the hit man to make arrangements to eliminate Genevieve and Gloria. Meanwhile, Ronan met up with Cane at the park. He informed him about the phone call Colin made, placing the hit out on both women. Cane couldn’t understand why his father wanted to kill Gloria. Ronan told him that he believed that Colin feared that Gloria may know about the books while they were locked in the wine cellar. The detective warned Cane to keep quiet about what he knew; they couldn’t afford to ruin the case they were building against Colin. Cane, however, ignored his warning when he tried to give Jill a vague warning to steer clear of Colin.

Neil told Lily that Malcolm demanded Sofia to give him a divorce, leaving town soon after. Lily couldn’t believe that Malcolm would walk out on everyone the way he did. Neil shared that he planned on having Sofia and Moses move in with him. Lily put together a packaged of baby toys and other items for Moses. Her father was curious to know on her decision regarding keeping Cane away from the twins. She admitted she didn’t know what to do, because she knew that they needed their father in their lives. Neil once again pointed out that Cane couldn’t be trusted.

Tucker and Sofia were in her hospital room discussing Malcolm’s choice to leave her. Tucker advised her to not put the blame on herself; the main thing was for her to be there to care for Moses. They talked about Neil and his decision to be hands on with the baby. While Tucker was happy for Sofia, he expressed how disappointed he was that Devon still wanted nothing to do with him. He told Sofia that Devon’s mother, Harmony was in Genoa City. He discussed their heated conversation the two had with one another, and how back in the day, when he was with her, he mistreated her. Sofia told Tucker that what happened between them was all in the past. She also gave her two cents by saying that she believed that Harmony was plotting to get back into Devon’s life, while trying to get what she could from Tucker financially.

Harmony was thankful to Katherine for letting her stay at the mansion. Katherine excused herself to get the telephone. When she left the room, the doorbell rang, so Harmony went to answer it. She opened the door to find Devon standing there. He was surprised to see his mother there. After ending her telephone conversation, Katherine approached the door and shared the news that she asked Harmony to stay with her. When Devon rebuffed Harmony’s offer to stay in Genoa City to bond with him, she changed her mind and opt to go back home. After Devon left, Katherine questioned why Harmony would throw in the towel and go home when she needed to be there for her son. Harmony said she merely wanted to do what was best; and it might be best to give Devon space.

Gloria learned from Kevin that all of her money from her accounts had been drained. She couldn’t understand how that could be, but Kevin pointed out that Jeffrey may have been the one to take the money. When she called Jeffrey, all she got was his voicemail. Not long after, a bouquet of flowers arrived with a note from Jeffrey. He told her that he couldn’t do their marriage any longer and wouldn’t be coming back home. Gloria also got a message from Genevieve letting her know that she was going to put the house back on the market, and wanted her to be the one to sell it.

Genevieve met up with Colin at Crimson Lights. She was curious as to why he wanted to see her. When he tried to make pleasantries with her, she called him out. She wanted to know why she was there. He wanted to ledgers and the code, but she refused to give it to him. Genevieve relished in having control over him by keeping it from him. Colin spat out a few threats, but Genevieve laughed them off.

After leaving the coffee shop, Genevieve ran into Cane at the park. She was curious about the investigation on Colin but he told her that they were at a dead end. She encouraged Cane not to give up because she was sure they would find something to nail Colin with. Genevieve left to head back home. Ronan soon called Cane telling him that it was a mistake talking to Genevieve.

A confused Jill met up with Lily and talked about the strange behavior Cane was displaying regarding Colin. Lily was upset that Cane could tell Jill about both Colin and Genevieve but not her. During their conversation, Lily learned that Jill was still seeing Colin. She gave her a warning that Colin was still a dangerous man. She told Jill that she was going to head to Genevieve’s to talk to her about what Cane was keeping from her.

Devon talked with Neil at Crimson Lights, where he told about Harmony’s moving in with Katherine. Tucker overheard their conversation and stormed off. He soon was at Katherine’s front door, ringing the doorbell. Harmony went to answer it and saw the look on Tucker’s face. He couldn’t believe that he moved in with his mother, yet turned down the money he had offered for her to leave Genoa City. Tucker believed that she was taking Katherine’s side against him. He accused Katherine of purposely keeping him away from Devon. Katherine arrived to see the two talking. She told Tucker that although she offered Harmony a place to stay, Harmony made the decision to leave Genoa City after all.

Tucker was confused by her decision, but Harmony said she was doing what was best for her son; Devon needed space. She suggested that Tucker do the same thing by giving their son space, but Tucker thought otherwise: he wanted a place in his son’s life. After calling him selfish, Tucker barked that he was happy to see her leave town. After he left, Katherine commended Harmony on how she handled Tucker. She suggested she think it over about leaving.
Angry at Jeffrey taking her money and leaving town, Gloria downed a few drinks. Kevin suggested he go to the bank to see where her money had been transferred to. Picking up her cell phone, Gloria left a message for Genevieve, telling her that she wouldn’t be able to meet with her regarding the house.

Jill met up with Colin back at his hotel suite. Noticing that she was upset, he asked her what was wrong. She told him about the conversation she had with Lily. She wanted him to come clean about anything that he could be hiding from her. Colin assured Jill that he had nothing to hide. Jill told Colin that Lily was going to Genevieve’s for a visit. After leaving the room to take a bath, Colin quickly made a phone call, telling someone that there would be a change of plans. He was unaware that Jill overheard his conversation.

On the Next The Young and the Restless

  • Tucker gives Jack what he’s been waiting for
  • Lily goes to Genevieve’s unaware of the danger around her
  • Text messages are sent out to many to meet at a warehouse

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