
Y&R Recap: Thursday, September 29, 2011

"The Young and the Restless" Episode Recap - Thursday, September 29, 2011

( — “The Young and the Restless” Episode Recap – Thursday, September 29, 2011.


Ashley wanted to continue her discussion with Tucker about being CEO of Jabot. Tucker was reluctant to agree about her taking on the role, afraid of how it would go for Jack, but she was confident that Jack would want to share the role with her. Unable to hide the truth from her, Tucker confessed his deal he made with Jack. Ashley was upset that Tucker once again held information from him, but softened after her explained the importance of keeping marriage separate from business. She realized that e was trying to get Jabot back for her.

Devon and Abby bumped into one another at Crimson Lights. He asked if she was aware that Tucker was suing Katherine to gain control of Jabot. Abby thought that Tucker took great pleasure in bullying people around. Devon mentioned to her about how Tucker warned him about doing business with Katherine, accusing her of using him just to get even with Tucker. When Tucker arrived, Abby and Devon’s mood changed. Tucker approached Abby, telling her to give Ashley a call regarding the message she left for her. After he was done talking to Abby, Tucker wanted to know from Devon if he took his advice to avoid Katherine. Devon told him he wasn’t about to pass up a great chance to do good for himself. Abby soon took Tucker to task in his quest to take the company away from Katherine, but he pointed out it was business and that he was doing it for Ashley. Abby scoffed, telling him he’s all about himself. When he pointed out that he’s changed, she laughed at him and told him she no longer believed that.

Neil met with Sofia at The Athletic Club. He wanted to know how she and the baby were doing. She mentioned that she was doing well. Their discussion went from baby to business. Neil thought they should work together to get Tucker and Katherine to settle out of court, but Sofia didn’t agree. She was firmly on Tucker’s side. Neil questioned her integrity, pointing out that not too long ago, Tucker fired her and was all set to have charges pressed against her. Things continued to be awkward for them, and Sofia said that their meeting together was a mistake. She opted to go find Malcolm. Neil commented that it would be the best for everyone if the baby was his brother’s. When Neil left, Malcolm showed up, giving Sofia a pregnancy pillow. He too asked how the baby was. She gave him a sonogram picture to see. She lamented how she wished that the two of them were still together. Malcolm, however, wasn’t ready to take steps in their relationship.

Katherine went to Jabot to see Jack. She talked with him about the lawsuit and asked him if she could count on him for his support in court. Jack, however, was hesitant, due to his deal he already made with Tucker. He commented that he didn’t want to be in the middle of her fight with her son. Katherine brought up how she felt that Jack was more of a son to her than Tucker was. When she pleaded with Jack to help her, he started to feel slightly guilty.
Shortly after Katherine left, Ashley showed up to see Jack, making him aware that she knows about his and Tucker’s agreement. Jack was unsure that he could win against Katherine, but Ashley was confident. Meanwhile, Katherine returned home and saw Neil. He told her that he couldn’t get Sofia to help out. Neil was stunned to learn that Jack wouldn’t be helping Katherine. Katherine wasn’t worried about Jack, feeling that he would still come through for her, but Neil felt she was relying too much on Jack, and cautioned her to be careful. The discussion of Sofia and Malcolm made Katherine think on the revelation that Devon was her flesh and blood.

When Katherine arrived at the court house, she received dagger eyes from Tucker. He headed inside the court room and talked to Ashley, who voiced her concerns regarding Jack’s attitude on whether they had a shot or not. Katherine walked in and told Tucker there was still time for him to back out but he refused. Neil arrived and took his place by Katherine, while Sofia did the same with Tucker. It was Jack’s arrival, however, that caught everyone’s attention. Katherine’s hopes were crushed when she saw Jack going over to Tucker’s side, taking a seat beside him.

At the police station, Paul and Ronan were discussing the latest evidence: Victor’s shoes and Diane’s diary. Handing him to pages of the diary, Paul set off to get information from the manager of the store where Victor donated his shoes. Shortly after leaving, Heather arrived. She and Ronan went at one another over their cases: Ronan making a mean comment regarding Sharon’s plea offer, while Heather criticized his lack of getting an arrest in the murder of Diane.

Adam received a call from Ronan, requesting that he meet him at the police station. When he hung up, Heather arrived. He told her he heard about the plea deal that was offered to Sharon. He fished for details about the murder investigation, wonder what Ronan wanted him for. Heather told him that she couldn’t tell him about the case. He told Heather he didn’t kill Diane. Things became awkward, though between the two of them when Adam mentioned the good times between them.

Victor showed up at the police station and went at Ronan regarding Abby. Ronan told Victor that his daughter was in the clear, but he had something to show him. He showed Victor the shoes that he wore at the park that night. Ronan explained how they located the shoes back to a charity store, even showing Victor the receipt. An annoyed Victor pointed out that anyone could have put on the shoes. He went on to say that Adam could be setting him up for a crime he didn’t commit. When Ronan stepped out o the office, Adam soon arrived, facing off with his father.

Adam and Victor went at one another, accusing the other of the crime. Both were unaware that Ronan had a bug planted in his office. As they continued to lay the blame on one another, Ronan got overly confident that he had evidence against both men. His conversation with Paul was interrupted, however, when Heather showed up. Paul told her that they purposely set Victor and Adam up to see what they would reveal. Back in Ronan’s office, Adam questioned Victor on if he ever wondered what it would have been like for them if things had been different between the two of them. Victor chose to ignore the question and soon huffed out of the office. Adam soon departed and locked eyes with Heather. Both Paul and Ronan noticed the tension. Heather insisted that it was nothing going on. Paul pointedly said there had better not have been.

Ronan went into his office, followed by Heather. Looking at his investigation board, he told her that he was confident that big puzzle to the murder was coming together.

On the Next The Young and the Restless

  • Phyllis learns about Nick and Ashley
  • Ronan again questions Adam
  • Abby’s secret gets closer to coming out

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