ColumnsMy View of Llanview

My View of Llanview: September 30 Edition

"All My Children's" television run comes to an end, "The Chew" debuts in its place, and "One Life to Live" asks fans to sample Ford's wiener.
Soap Opera Network

( — “All My Children’s” television run comes to an end, “The Chew” debuts in its place, and “One Life to Live” asks fans to sample Ford’s wiener.

Despite not having regularly watched “AMC” since childhood, I made it a point to watch the show’s final episode on ABC last Friday. And, while I was out of touch with most of the recent storyline (like how or why Dr. David Hayward kept many of Pine Valley’s supposedly deceased people alive for several years), overall I enjoyed watching that episode. And it made me hope and wish that when “OLTL” airs its final episode on the network in January that it would get similar treatment.

However, that optimism came to a screeching halt when I watched the first episode of “One Life” the following Monday on a post-“All My Children” ABC Network. What a major disappointment to see episode begin with Ford in a hot dog food asking bystanders in Angel Square to “sample his wiener.” At first it made me wonder if the writers were trying to be clever by throwing the scene in right after the first episode of “The Chew,” an infamous new show all about food, had just aired. But I seriously don’t believe they are smart enough to do something like that, especially considering that its not the first (or probably the last) time Ford has been seen in that very same hotdog costume.

I suppose those scenes involving a meat packing Ford (ha!) and troubled Buchanan twit Jessica were more likely to appease the pair’s dozen or so fans. Yes, nothing says love like an heiress flirting with the guy who raped her when she was suffering from a mental illness, while he is dressed up as a giant wiener.  And what a nice follow-up by showing a carefree Jessica then jumping rope with three middle school-aged girls. Just warms your heart doesn’t it? I know it does mine. When I watched those scenes all I could think of saying was “well bless her heart.”

But I suppose it can’t compete with the classics like Todd leaving Téa naked out in the cold, and her hitting him in the back of the head with a shovel. Or Victor Jr. (back when he still thought he was Todd) falling in love and sleeping with an amnesiac Marty Saybrooke, the same woman Todd raped years back. Love is many splendored thing, I suppose.

I find refreshing to see just how far “One Life to Live” has come over the years. In 1968, the show was filled with controversial stories such as interracial couples and drug abuse, prominently featured poor and middle class families, and characters representing different ethnic groups and religious backgrounds. Now, forty-three later, we have a man prancing around town in a hotdog outfit, a guy helping his brother’s ex-girlfriend find her long-lost mother by making a porn flick with her, three shirtless brothers frequently hanging out in a sauna, a paranoid idiot receiving notes and “visits” from his dead girlfriend, and a little boy holding a grown woman hostage against a motel room door armed with only a Spiderman costume and a can of silly string. You’ve certainly come a long way Llanview! Stay classy!

However not everything is negative on the show right now. There is still some good on “One Life to Live.”  Cord and Tina are a site for sore eyes and so is doggie David Vickers. I think he is much cuter and smarter than his namesake. Todd (yes the same one I mentioned above) cracks me up. Roger Howarth does rather well with comedic material in my opinion, and the majority of his scenes always put a smile on my face and leave me chuckling a little. And I always enjoy it when Natalie knocks Princess Jessica down a few pegs. I mean it’s not as if she doesn’t deserve it every now and again.

Moving on, no one guessed (either correctly or incorrectly) the answers to the trivia questions from last time. So I’m going to give you a second chance to place your answers.  In case you missed the clues, here there are again: 1. Kassie DePaiva (Blair) appeared on what game show before joining “OLTL” and who was the daytime celebrity (and future co-star) was she paired up with? 2. What two wars did the late Phil Carey (Asa) serve in? 3. What is John-Paul Lavoisier‘s (Rex) real last name? I’ll have the answers in the October 15 edition of My View of Llanview.

Now, before I wrap up this column, I’m going to look into my crystal ball and give you a quick sneak peek at a few things coming up a few weeks down the road. Someone is threatened. One family member extends an olive branch to another. An unlikely couple grows closer. And one man comes up with a new scheme to get what he wants.

Well that’s concludes yet another column. Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.

Take care, and until next time remember, we only have “One Life to Live”…

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