
Y&R PreVue:Week of January 10 Edition


Monday, January 10, 2011 at 1:30 AM ET by Venus Stone

( Playing dirty at all costs…


Jack decides to head off to Hawaii to dig into what happened to Skye on, Monday, January 10. On Tuesday, January 11, Primrose plays with Billy’s mind in terms of adopting the baby girl she has. That same day, Nick receives a surprise from Diane. Wednesday, January 12, Paul and Heather get closer to what really happened to Chance and on Friday, January 14, Diane’s living quarters come into question by Jack.

The Inside Story: Turning the Tables
Determined to make her father accept responsibility for the many things he has done, Victoria decides to amp up her court case. A concerned Nikki advises her daughter that it might be best for her to drop the lawsuit, however, Victoria points out that Victor has been taking advantage and ruining lives for far too long and he must be stopped. She also points out that it was Victor that caused the miscarriage of her baby. When Nikki goes to talk some common sense into Victor, he, like Victoria, tells her he is not going to back down. Meanwhile, Vance meets with Victoria and he talks to her about the Dubai matter, pointing out that they could possibly dig up something more. Victoria however, believes that everything is on the level, but doesn’t shy away from using whatever information against Victor in her case. As they are talking, Vance reminds her that her father could pull the same tactics on her, as she is with him. When Abby is brought up, Victoria heads over to try to talk her into helping her bring Victor down. Abby is at first hesitant but gives in the more Victoria presses her to help. Once alone, however, Victoria begins to question if she is doing the right thing by going against her father. Billy, knowing how stressed his wife is, tries to talk her out of going on with the lawsuit, but Victoria lets him know that it’s too late to turn back now, and that if she gave up, Victor will forever take her for granted.

A Closer Look:No Love Lost Between Exes
Determined to keep Faith away from Adam, Nick calls Michael with the request to draw up papers to gain custody. Michael immediately tries his best to talk the younger Newman to think about it before making it final. Nick points out that he will not have Faith with Sharon as long as she is with Adam. As Michael is talking to Nick, Rafe is doing the same thing with Sharon, sharing the bad news that Nick is filing against her for custody. An angry Sharon faces Nick and the both of them exchange angry words. Nick points out that despite whatever is going on with Adam, he doesn’t want his daughter anywhere near Faith. Sharon slings mud by pointing out Phyllis’s past and lets him know that she not once told Nick that Phyllis couldn’t be around Noah. She further taunts him by telling him that Faith could grow up hating him for keeping her away. When Nick grills Sharon about Adam’s case, Sharon refuses to tell him, realizing that he could be asking to use against her in his custody battle. Nick tells Sharon that if she wants to maintain a relationship with Faith, Adam is to be nowhere near her. She agrees for the moment.

What To Watch

  • Monday Chloe and Kevin sneak in some time together
  • Tuesday Sharon refuses to give Faith up
  • Wednesday Jack hits on a clue in Hawaii
  • Thursday Nick learns more on Victor’s underhanded behavior
  • Friday Heather learns everything

The Young and the Restless News and Headlines

  • Christopher Forsyth continues his role as an “Assistant D.A.” Monday, January 10 and Tuesday, January 11
  • Ellen Greene continues her role as “Primrose” Monday, January 10 and Tuesday, January 11
  • Matt Corboy continues his role at “Dr. Boyd”, Monday, January 10
  • Evan Parks appears in the role of “Spencer Walsh” Wednesday, January 12 through Friday, January 14
  • Lauralee Bell reprises her role of Christina Blair Williams, Thursday, January, 13 Bell has been reported to be in the role for a month
  • Word is that actress Tonya Lee Williams, who played “Olivia Barber Winters” will crossover to sister show, The Bold and the Beautiful for two episodes sometime this February. She will be revealed to have family ties to “Justin Barber”, who is played by actor Aaron D. Spears.
  • Thom Bierdz comes back February in the role of Phillip Chancellor III. No word yet as to how long he will be on.
  • SON Top 10: Who was the best of the best on "Y&R" during the week of January 3, 2010? You decide! The SON Top 10 is back! Voting begins Friday's at 4:00 PM, EST.


  • Christina is put in a difficult position thanks to Ronan
  • Chloe and Kevin continue to hit romantic stumbling blocks
  • Cane’s constant lies puts Sophia in hot water


  • Diane creates herself a love triangle
  • Victor’s latest scheme spins out of control, throwing someone in the crossfire
  • Kevin and Chloe reconnect with one another, but trouble looms for the two of them
  • Kay’s warnings about Colin fall on Jill’s deaf ears
  • Billy and Victoria’s marriage continues to grow, but someone could thwart it

"The Young and the Restless" airs Weekdays on CBS. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.


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