
ABC Previews Independence Day

Saturday, June 13, 2009 11:45 PM ET | By Scotty Gore

( — As America celebrates its independence next month with cookouts, fireworks, and family vacations, ABC Daytime isn’t letting the fact that the 4th of July falls on a Saturday this year keeping them from airing encore episodes of your favorite daytime dramas. 

On Friday, July 3, instead of showing first-run episodes of your favorite ABC Daytime dramas like “All My Children,” “General Hospital” or “One Life to Live,” the network has opted to air repeat episodes of the soaps. These episodes are said to be important moments in each soap’s current storylines.

  • “All My Children” Episode #10125 (original air date 5/15/09) — Adam’s a marked man as several Pine Valley residents want to see him pay for his sins. JR spirals out of control but Tad manages to stop him from making a terrible mistake and shooting his father. JR comes across a gun wielding Annie inside the mansion. Krystal encounters Tad after almost shooting Adam. Aidan frees himself from Annie’s restraints and heads to Adam’s. David is out for revenge and heads to the Chandler Mansion with a gun. Tad sees Zach inside the mansion, armed with a gun. Jake and Angie work valiantly to get Ian’s heart beating again and do so, but by the time they save him, Kendall and Zach believe their son is dead and have headed to the Chandlers for revenge. Unaware that Ian is still alive, Kendall wants vengeance for the child she thinks she’s lost and aims a gun at Adam. A mystery woman enters the Chandler Mansion. At the end of the day, Kendall, Zach, David and unknown others have guns pointed at Adam. A shot is fire and Adam falls to the floor, seemingly dead.


  • “One Life to Live” Episode #10394 ‘No One Said It Would Be This Hard’ (original air date 3/18/09) — Emotions run wild as Marty and Nora have it out over who is to blame for Matthew’s paralysis. Cole goes to Matthew for some kind of resolution or understanding. Neither of these things comes easily to any of them. Cole is handcuffed and led off to jail. Jack tells his father Todd to stop ending up in jail and come home and be a father. John gets Téa to admit she didn’t stab Lee Halpern and admits she did it to protect Todd. But she also states that she still believes Todd is innocent. John calls her on her feelings for Todd and she admits as much, to a point. Viki sends Todd the cavalry. Todd decides he wants custody of his kids back. Rex finds Bo praying and learns that Matthew is permanently paralyzed. Rex breaks down and tells Bo that Shane has leukemia. Brody learns the truth about Shane from Gigi and does all he can to help.


  • “General Hospital” Episode #11809 (original air date 5/18/09) — Michael wakes up to find Lulu at his side and wonders what’s happened to him. Unable to reach Carly because she’s turned her phones off, Lulu finally contacts Sonny with the good news about Michael. Sonny shares an emotional reunion with his son and sends Jason to let Carly know what’s going on. Michael questions why neither Sonny nor Carly were with him when he woke up, and he doesn’t remember the shooting. Carly races to Michael’s side and doesn’t pick up on the fact that he’s slightly cool towards her. Claudia worries that Michael will remember her confessing her guilt during the visits she paid him. Holly evades Luke’s questions about Ethan. Tracy sees red when she finds Holly with Luke. Ethan stuns Lulu when he tells her he might be her brother. Holly arrives on Patrick’s doorstep looking for a place to stay. Alexis grills Rebecca about the time she spent in Greece, still certain that she’s working with Helena. Rebecca gives Alexis two weeks to dig up any dirt on her, saying she’ll keep her hands off Nikolas during that period.

Original episodes of your favorite ABC soaps return Monday, July 6.

“All My Children,” “General Hospital,” and “One Life to Live” air Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.

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