My View of Llanview

My View of Llanview: June 30 Edition

Monday, July 7, 2008 4:14 PM | By Scotty Gore

( — Tina Lord’s history and connections to Llanview.

Greetings! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe 4th of July holiday. Independence Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. In what seems to have become a broken record with me, this column is late again as usual. I’m starting to get lazy in my old age (I’m pushing 30), so you can imagine how bad I’ll be by the time I’m really old. Anyway, here is my column. I thought this go around I would help out new viewers by providing a character sketch of Llanview recently returned vixen Tina Lord Roberts.

However, before I delve into Tina’s history in Llanview, here’s a quick look at the various actresses who have portrayed Viki’s younger sister over the years. Since her arrival in town in 1978, a total of six different actresses have portrayed Tina. Of those, the most popular is Andrea Evans (1978-1981; 1985-1990; 2008-present), who originated the role. Other actresses to step into the role over the years have been Nancy Frangione (temperarily in 1980), Kelli Maroney (1984), Marsha Clark (1984-1985), Karen Witter (1990-1994), and Krista Tesreau (1994-1996; 1997). Now on to the history of Tina Lord, as presented in my own words…

In 1978, Viki’s dear childhood friend Irene Clayton realized she was not long for this world. Worried about what might become of her daughter Tina, Irene asked Viki to take in the 16-year-old troublesome teen. Viki agreed, however, she soon found her new arrival to be quite the handful. Around this same time, Llanview’s dastardly conman, Marco Dane, saw a golden opportunity to seek revenge on Viki.

Marco, quickly setting his plan in motion, buddied up to Tina and decided to open a modeling agency. Unbeknownst to Tina, Marco planned to snap pictures of underage teen, and superimpose them on pornographic images. He would then release the pictures to the media, resulting in the public humiliation of Viki. However, Marco’s plan soon hit a stumbling block as the conman began to become enamored with Tina. Never a man to miss an opportunity, however, Marco still managed to use the faux photos of Tina to blackmail Viki. A short time later, a horrified Viki stumbled upon Marco’s dead body, which resulted in her being arrested for murder. Fortunately for Viki, she was eventually cleared as a suspect in the murder.

As time progressed, Tina became romantically involved with a man named Greg Huddleston, and by 1980 had turned into quite a seductress. At the same time Tina was seducing Mark Gordon, boyfriend of her best friend Samantha Vernon, and lusting after country-music artist Johnny Drummond. Around this time, Ted Clayton, a man claiming to be Tina’s father, arrived in Llanview with only one goal–to swindle Tina and Viki out of as much money as possible. While in town, Ted (whose real last name was Clarkson), began to position himself against Clint Buchanan. Clint meanwhile had begun to have a soft spot for Viki, who had recently lost her husband Joe Riley to a brain tumor. Upon learning that Clint planned to pop the question to Viki, Ted executed his plan to kidnap his ‘daughter’ Tina. He schemed to not only receive the ransom money, but also to cozy up to Viki. Later, after making sure Tina had been safely returned to Llanview, Ted proposed to a shocked Viki. Clint appeared to have dropped out of the running for Viki’s affections, as the widow asked Ted to give her a little breathing room so she could make up her mind. Time, however, was not on Ted’s side as he was arrested and placed in prison for his part in Tina’s kidnapping. After managing to escape, he pursued a plan to kill Tina. Before his plan could be carried out however, Police Detective Ed Hall gunned him down. Deeply troubled by the turn of events, Tina decided to leave Llanview far behind her.

Nearly four years later, in 1985, Tina decided to return to Llanview in search of her biological father. Shortly before returning to town, Tina had come across an entry in her mother’s diary confessing that Ted Clayton was not her real father. Not along after returning to Llanfair, Tina inadvertently discovered a secret room beneath the library of the former home of Victor Lord. As she searched the room, Tina came across numerous valuable paintings, which had been plundered by Nazi Germany during World War II. She also found a letter written from the late Victor Lord to his daughter Viki proclaiming that Tina Lord was his daughter, the result of an affair with Viki’s good friend Irene Clayton, who was 19 at the time of the affair.

The news began that her father had seduced her best friend, began to take its toll on Viki, especially when the letter became public. Tina, meanwhile, became to enjoy the title of heiress, and all the perks that came along with it. Enter into the picture cult leader and all around bad guy Mitch Laurence, who plotted to rob Tina of her inheritance. After learning that Victor’s estate would be placed in Tina’s possession if Viki’s DID ever returned, Mitch convinced a reluctant Tina to assist him in his evil plot.

Luckily, Tina’s conscious got the better of her when Mitch revealed he planned to murder Clint Buchanan and pin the crime on Viki. As a result, Mitch instead killed Harry O’Neil. Sometime early Harry, not realizing she wasn’t real, fell in love with Niki Smith. Now with Harry O’Neil dead, Tina used Viki’s illness to gain control of Victor’s empire. Also, after suffering a relapse of her multiple personality disorder, Viki was able to recall seeing Victor and Irene in bed together. This led Viki to believe at the time, that the traumatic incident brought about her struggles with DID. But now, Tina found herself charged with the murder of Harry O’Neil. It took take Niki Smith’s testimony in court before she would be cleared of the crime.

Next, in 1986, Tina began to fall in love with Clint Buchanan. As she plotted to get Clint into bed, Niki, ready to distance herself from Viki, posed as her supposedly cured alter ego. Unfortunately, Tina would stop at nothing to get the man she wanted, even going so far as to blackmail Niki Smith into filing for divorce from Clint. And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, she also pretended to be pregnant with Clint’s baby, although Dorian Lord quickly exposed her scheme. Cint soon discovered that Niki was still around, and developed a plan to place Viki back in control. He tricked Niki into discovering him and Tina in bed together. Although the encounter was staged, it proved successful in getting Viki to reemerge.

As Viki and Tina worked to mend their relationship, Tina found herself attracted to good guy Cord Roberts. The two had met after Tina had intercepted a letter from Maria Roberts to her brother-in-law Clint. After traveling to El Paso, Texas, Tina discovered that the letter was nothing more than a job request for Cord. Before Tina could return to Llanview, however, she was introduced to Cord. Instantly smitten, Tina was treated to a tour of the American Southwest by Cord. As he was snapping pictures of her in the family barn, Cord declared his love for Tina. However, being the schemer that she was, Tina was unable to picture herself with him.
She said good-bye to Cord and returned home with her wealthy fiancé Richard Abbott.

All around good guy Cord would not take no for an answer. He moved to Llanview, and took as a job as a photographer for The Banner newspaper, which was being run by Viki and Clint.
Tina managed to control her emotions until she returned to Texas with Cord for the funeral of Clint’s ‘father’ Al Roberts. Earlier, while on his deathbed, Al had revealed to a minister that Clint was not his biological son. Upon arriving in Texas, Tina was horrified to learn the minister was none other than her old adversary, cult leader Mitch Laurence. Furthermore, he floored Tina with the news that Clint was really Cord’s father.

Roughly twenty years earlier, Clint Buchanan and Maria Roberts had been teenage sweethearts. However, Clint’s disapproving father Asa Buchanan, would have nothing to do with his son’s relationship with a Mexican, and managed to bully Maria and her mother back to Texas. Clint remained oblivious to the fact that Maria was carrying his child. After placing all the pieces of the puzzle together, Tina realized what had happened, and paid Asa a visit. During her confrontation with the Buchanan family patriarch, Tina blackmailed Asa into claiming that Al Holden’s will contained a provision that Cord would receive a million dollar inheritance upon his death.

Learning that he was actually Clint’s son, Tina plotted to wed Cord before he discovered his true heritage. The two were married, resulting in Tina having both Cord’s love and money. However, all good things must come to an end. A few months later, Viki confessed the truth to Clint, who shared a tenderhearted reunion with Cord. This was followed by Cord’s discovery that Tina had long since known the truth and that she had swindled Asa out of a million dollars. Although hesitant to give the money back, Cord handed Asa a check for the money. However, it was too late. Tina had already dumped the money into a frivolous investment, a supposed exotic island known as Devil’s Claw. While taking a tour of the island, Cord and Tina quickly discovered that the island was a safe haven for terrorists. Barely escaping with their lives, Tina and Cord found their marriage nearing an end.

Although successful in her quest to marry Cord, she soon faced the wrath of his disapproving mother Maria Roberts. Not long after the ceremony, Maria forged a deal with her good friend Max Holden in 1987. She ordered Max to court Tina and whisk her out of the country.
However, Tina soon learns that she is pregnant, and that Cord doesn’t seem to want the baby. In reality, Cord has no idea that Tina is pregnant, thanks to Maria. Heartbroken, Tina agrees to leave for Buenos Aires, Argentina with Max. Once out of the country, Cord learns of Tina’s bun in the oven, and heads for Argentina with his archaeologist friend Kate Sanders. Cord arrived to save Tina, but it was too late. After plunging over Iguazu Falls, Tina was believed dead by all her loved ones.

In reality, however, Tina was very much alive. Kate’s brother Jamie Sanders had kidnapped her after she and Max unknowingly find themselves in the middle of a drug ring. When Tina fell over the falls, Jamie had been shot and fell over the side of the boat. Now, in the jungle of South America she meets Gabrielle Medina, who was also pregnant…but with Max Holden’s baby. Gabrielle befriends a distraught and despondent Tina, who believes she has suffered a miscarriage. In time, Tina becomes well enough to deliver Gabrielle’s baby body. Believing that Max and Tina are soon to be married, Gabrielle makes the difficult decision to give her baby over to Tina so she can make sure he has a good life. Tina leaves for Llanview with the baby in tow, but not before naming him Al, after Cord’s dead stepfather.

Meanwhile, back in Llanview, Cord and Kate have grown quite close in the months since Tina’s ‘death.’ In fact, they are about to be married, when Tina suddenly arrives at the church with Gabrielle’s baby proclaiming, “Stop! Am I too late? Cord, I’ve come so far … this is your son,” before fainting. Cord, whose marriage to Kate in now invalid, is thrilled that Tina and baby Al are alive, however, he still plans to divorce her in order to marry Kate. Not missing a beat, Maria blackmails Tina after learning that Al is really Max and Gabrielle’s son, ordering that she divorce Cord immediately. At the same time, Maria starts to fall in love with Clint. But, in order to do so, she must first get rid of Viki. So she plots to murder Viki and frame Tina. When her plan to plow down Viki with her car is a bust, Maria poisons a pair of earrings that Tina plans to give Viki as a gift. This plan to backfires, as Gabrielle touches the earrings instead and collapses, but manages to survive. Meanwhile, a struggle ensues between Tina and Maria over the vile of poison. During the altercation, the bottle spills onto Maria, resulting in her death.

In court, Tina is convicted of Maria’s murder, but later acquitted. She and Cord make love, but his heart still belongs to Kate. She finds comfort in the arms of Max Holden, who she agrees to marry. A short time later, Tina and Max learn that while she was in the South American jungle and consumed by fever, that natives helped deliver Tina’s baby, and that it was being held captive by a henchmen named Rolio. As Tina and Max head back to Argentina in search of the baby, Cord, after breaking things off with Kate, also heads south of Equator. After several twists and turns, Max and Tina locate the baby, named “Milagro” (miracle), back to Llanview in 1988. Cord and Tina name the baby Clinton James, and call him CJ for short. Max calls off his engagement to Tina when she accidentally says “I take thee, Cord” while at the altar with Max. Following this, Tina once more goes after Cord, who has by this time taken an interest in Sarah Gordon. Around this same time, Gabrielle reveals that Al was really Max Holden’s baby and that she pressured Tina into claiming the baby as her own. After getting back together briefly with Cord, Tina finds herself courted by Bo Buchanan, who has recently returned to Llanview. However, unbeknownst to anyone, he is not actually Bo, but instead Kate Sanders’ ex-lover Dr. Patrick London. Hired by Asa Buchanan’s adversaries, London had plastic surgery in order to pretend to be Bo and infiltrate the Buchanan clan. While pretending to be Bo, London plans to marry Tina and gain control of her inheritance. Before he can do so, however, he is ousted and killed by the real Bo Buchanan, whom London had been holding captive for months.

Finding their way back to one another in November 1988, Cord and Tina wed in a double ceremony with Cord’s grandfather and step-grandmother Asa Buchanan and Renee Divine. Ursula Blackwell, Tina’s newest rival, hides an explosive device in the wedding cake. But, instead of hitting its intended target, the blast kills Max’s brother Steve Holden. In January of 1989 Tina, along with Gabrielle and Michael Grande, discover the underground city of Eterna, and the trio became trapped there for months along with Viki, and many other residents of Llanview. Also around this time, Tina concocted a number of other schemes, including searching for lost jewels and other get rich quick schemes.

By 1990, Cord and Tina’s latest marriage is once again on life support. Cord is becoming fed up with Tina’s lies and schemes. But the final straw comes when Tina accesses Cord of sleeping with Gabrielle’s sister Debra. After Cord requests a divorce, Tina takes baby CJ and leaves Llanview for San Diego.

Cord and the Buchanan clan arrived on the island of Badderly only a few months later, in an attempt to infiltrate the isle. It was then that they first met Carlo Hesser’s son Johnny Dee, and learned that Tina was his guest on the island. Although excited to see Cord again, Tina was didn’t want him to get in any trouble with the mobster. When Johnny was about to rummage through Clint’s room, Tina distracted him with sex. A short time later, while still on the island, Tina and Cord reunited, and made love as well. Back in Llanview, Tina soon discovered she was pregnant, and mistakenly believed Johnny to be the baby’s father.

Being the man that he was, Cord, nonetheless offered to help raise the baby. Johnny Dee, however, had other ideas. He broke into Llanfair and knocked Tina out cold, and planned to kidnap her. Meanwhile, Viki saw the whole thing. However, the town matriarch had recently suffered a stroke after being shot while giving a speech as the newly elected mayor Llanview. Unfortunately, the stroke left Viki confined to a wheelchair and unable to move or speak. However, Viki could sense that Tina needed her help, so she allowed Niki Smith to reemerge. Niki could accomplish what Viki was unable to do. After managing to stand and threaten the mobster, Niki pumped Johnny Dee full of lead. At first, neither Tina or Viki could recall what had happened, but Tina soon became the prime suspect. An audiotape was soon discovered in the room, which proved that Viki had murdered Johnny Dee in self-defense. The cassette had been recorded by Johnny, and stolen from his pocket by Gabrielle Medina only minutes after the shooting. While the tape proved that Niki had shot Johnny, it also revealed that Gabrielle Medina had been present at the crime scene.

Soon, Carlo blackmailed Gabrielle into attempting to convince Tina to give up her baby to him. Reluctant to ally herself with the notorious crime boss, Gabrielle was forced to do Carlo’s dirty work when he threatened to go public with a videotape of her seducing Father Tony Vallone. Tina soon fled to Texas while being pursued by Carlo Hesser, who wanted custody of his unborn grandchild. Cord soon joined them in hot pursuit, armed with paternity test results, which revealed him to be the father of Tina’s baby. In February 1991, while still in Texas, Tina went into labor while stranded in a blizzard. Cord soon located her and, with the aide of DuAnn Demerest, delivered the baby, which they named Sarah Victoria after Viki and presumed dead family member Sarah Gordon Buchanan. Shortly thereafter, Tina and Cord returned to Llanview where they remarried for a third and final time. Later that year, Tina devised another of her signature doomed to fail plans, by planning to write a book on the history of the Lord and Buchanan families. Her interest in the project peaked when publisher Hudson King offered to pay Tina a huge amount of money for the book, and she began to put in long hours at his New York City apartment working on it.
Cord, however, soon discovered the truth, that Hudson King was, in fact, the cleverly disguised conman Cain Rogan. Cain had arrived in Llanview disguised as three different fictitious people in order to help Dorian Lord gain control of the Buchanan family’s assets. But proving it to Tina was easier said than done. In order to prove his point, Cord concocted a scheme where he would ‘discover’ Tina and Cain together. He would then portray the jealous husband and shoot Tina with a blank, and she would play dead. The ruse worked. After ‘killing’ Tina, Cord threatened to ‘shoot’ Cain if he didn’t confess his true identity. Cord had once again saved Tina’s life.

Meanwhile, Megan Harrison was distraught over Jake being so far away in Jaba City, so she hit the slots in Atlantic City. It was there she bumped into Cain Rogan, who was pretending to be German film director Heinrich Keiser. After Tina encountered the conman in an elevator at the Palace, she spilled the beans to a horrified Megan. Meanwhile, Tina and Cain decided to get revenge on Carlo Hesser and Alex Olanov. To do so, they plotted to steal the Cleopatra jewels and pin the heist on Alex. The scheme backfired however, when Alex, posing as a cleaning lady, tricked Tina and Cain into stealing the jewels, and watched from a distance as the security alarm sounded and the lovebirds fell into her trap. Not to be outdone, Tina and Cain found the jewels, planted them in Alex’s apartment, and contacted District Attorney Hank Gannon. No charges were filed in the complicated case, and Tina and Cain got off scot-free.

Cord, along with Rev. Andrew Carpenter, were called in late 1991, to go to Jaba City and rescue Jake Harrision from a prison camp. While Jake and Andrew managed to escape, Cord was shot in the chest. Although no body was found, the Buchanan family, and especially Tina, mourned for Cord, who was presumed dead. In time, however, Tina managed to move on, and soon became involved with conman and master of disguise Cain Rogan. In 1993, Tina received the shock of her life when Cord ‘returned from the dead.’ But something had happened to Cord during his time in the Middle Eastern prison camp at Jaba City. He was now angry at the world, and unaware that Tina had moved on with her life. Cord had tracked Tina down at a casino in Atlantic City. In her room, Tina was dressed in lingerie, anxiously awaiting Cain’s return. Instead, Cord walked in on Tina, at which point she promptly fainted. Suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder he was horrified to learn of Tina’s involvement with Cain Rogan. He was equally upset that his friends and family had keep mum while Tina had spent time with both him and Cain. He began yelling at everyone he cared about, including CJ and Sarah. CJ didn’t care much for Cord or his attitude, and considered Cain a more fitting father figure. This only infuriated Cord even more. Cord also forced Tina to make a choice–either him or Cain. In the end, Tina chose Cain. Bitter, Cord managed to dig up Angela Holiday, who had once been Cain’s partner in crime to break up the new couple. Tina didn’t respond well to the news that Cain and Angela had once been married. In time, however, Tina forgave Cain, although Angela Holiday remained a thorn in their side.

Some time later, children CJ and Al found themselves trapped in a cave. While working to free them, Cord bumped his head, which resulted in selective amnesia. Not being able to remember anything after Jake’s rescue mission in Jaba City, Cord believed he and Tina were still married. Dr. Larry Wolek cautioned Tina about telling Cord otherwise, citing health concerns. Tina, happy her son was safe, readily agreed. For months, she and Cain met behind Cord’s back, until one day Angela Holiday confessed the truth to Cord. The blow prompted Cord to divorce Tina, leaving her free to be with Cain.
The pair then wed on Valentine’s Day 1994. However, while on their honeymoon, the newlyweds received a postcard from Angela Holiday, stating that before she skipped town, she had hired a fake minister to marry them. Less than a year later, Tina, having dumped Cain, returned to Llanview.

Once back in Llanview, Tina became acquainted with another charming conman, David Vickers. With Dorian Lord sentenced to death for the 1976 murder of Victor Lord, thanks to a recently published book by Viki’s husband Sloan Carpentar, David Vickers arrived in Llanview with the alleged diary of Tina’s late mother Irene Clayton Manning. In an entry in the diary, Irene confessed to murdering Victor. David also claimed that the diary made mention of another child she had of Victor Lord’s, with David claiming to be that very child. However, the entire episode was a scam, with Dorian paying David to help get her out of prison. Although the plan initially went off without a hitch, it soon encountered a speed bump when David started to fall for his ‘sister’ Tina. After learning Tina felt the same way, the two gave into their passion at Viki’s cabin. Not long after, David confessed to Tina that he wasn’t really her brother, but that Todd Manning was, and that he was only in it for the money. Tina, blinded by love, agreed to go along with the ruse, and the pair were married in Las Vegas. Following her release from Statesville, Dorian learned that Todd Manning was the true Lord heir, and floored Viki with the identity of her long-lost brother. Dorian also caused Viki’s personality to fragment by revealing a disgusting fact that Viki had buried deep in her mind–that Victor Lord had sexually abused his own daughter as a child. As Viki’s personality to split, a strange new altar emerged. Her name was Jean Randolph, and she was calm, cold, and calculated. As Viki, Jean confronted David Vickers. She warned him to divorce Tina and break all contact with her, or else she would report him to the authorities. In addition, Jean ordered David to marry Dorian, who couldn’t stand the sight of him. Later that year, Tina informs Todd that Blair is only after him for his money. This results in Todd forcing Blair to take a pregnancy test. However, much to Blair’s delight, she learns that she really is pregnant with Todd’s baby.

The following year, in 1996, Tina received a job offer from Logan’s Department Store as a professional shopper. Deciding to take the job, she packed up and headed to Baltimore with CJ and Sarah. In early 1997, she briefly returned to Llanview to help usher Cord Roberts out of town.

Although off-camera for nearly a dozen years, Tina had frequently became the topic of gossip between the years 1997 and 2008. This was especially true when her daughter Sarah, who had become a professional singer and starting referring to herself as “Flash,” returned to Llanview in 2003, without her mother. Sarah was unsure of her mother’s recent whereabouts, as was Viki, Clint, Cord, and the rest of her family and friends. No one seemed to know what had happened to Tina since she had moved to Baltimore. Sarah stated that she had left her mother and brother and joined a rock band called “Midnight Logic.” According to Sarah, Tina had left Baltimore, hooked back up with Cain Rogan, and that neither of them supported her dream of being a musician. Furthermore, Sarah noted that, due to Tina’s abrasive parenting techniques, that her brother CJ had also left home, and had joined the military. The following year, in 2004 Cord made a quick return to Llanview to escort Sarah back to London, and vowed to Viki and Asa that he would do his best to locate Tina.

However, when Sarah returned to Llanview in 2007, she informed her loved ones that Tina was off somewhere up to her old tricks, and that Tina occasionally sent her money. However, the two rarely communicated. Sarah also informed Viki and Clint that they encounter extreme difficulty in finding Tina, stating “she’s where I got my run and hide genes.” Later Clint, after assisting Cord with his search, reportedly that were unable to find Tina.

Then came June 11, 2008 when Tina arrived back in Llanview, only to be greeted by Jonas Chamberlin, the U.S. Ambassador to Mendorra. In the days that followed, Tina was revealed to be the Crown Princess of Mendorra. She paid a visit to Police Commissioner Lee Ramsey who had earlier arranged for the Mendorran Crown Jewels to be ‘stolen’ while on exhibit at Lindsay Rappaport’s Art Gallery in Llanview, and placed in his possession. Once back in her hometown, Tina visited Ramsey and offered him money in exchange for the jewels. However, Jonas soon turns the tables on Tina, and hires goons to bust into Ramsey’s penthouse and shoot the place up. Ramsey, his doorman, and Jonas’ two hired goons end up murdered in the attack, while Tina manages to successful sneak away with the jewels. During this time, Tina reveals that she now has a dog, which she has brought to Llanview. A dog that she has named David Vickers, after her former lover. Also, while in the park spying on his children Starr and Sam, Todd spots his sister Tina from a limo. After ordering his driver to follow her, he loses sight of her after she enters his former apartment building, which was bought by Lee Ramsey. Tina leaves with Jonas, who threatens her, but not before he shoots Police Detective John McBain in the arm. John, while working to uncover the identity of Ramsey’s female houseguest, chases Tina, but the trail soon grows cold. The mystery woman John was searching for is revealed to be the presumed dead Marty Saybrooke.

Jonas, who threatens them, but does not harm them, holds Sarah and Cristian at gunpoint in the park. Later, while trying to hide out from Jonas, Tina reveals herself to Sarah and her boyfriend Cristian Vega. Sarah manages to convince Cristian to help hide Tina in his loft. He reluctantly agrees to, all the while questioning her about why she is back in Llanview. Jonas, however, gets the upper hand by kidnapping Sarah and her roommate Talia Sahid, whom he forces to call Antonio and send the Vega brothers on a wild goose chase to their mother’s diner while he drags the women out of Llanview. But after learning from Carlotta that Talia had lied about injuring her leg, they become highly suspicious. Meanwhile, Tina flees Cristian’s loft and ends up in Angel Square, where she comes face-to-face with Jonas. Holding her hostage, Jonas threatens to kill the canine David Vickers if she doesn’t turn over the jewels. However, K-9 David carries out Tina’s command that he bite Jonas, which results in the dog being able to escape. In the ensuing melee, Tina manages to sneak away with the jewels. Later, Antonio, Cristian and Tina learn from Jonas that Sarah and Talia have been taken to Mendorra, and that they will be heading there as well.

Once in Mendorra, Tina is reunited with Cain Rogan, who is now the Crown Prince of Mendorra. Shortly thereafter, they reveal how they conned the people of Mendorra into believing that Cain was the rightful heir to the throne. Meanwhile, Sarah has been thorn in a dungeon with Talia, who receives a visit from her father Carlo Hesser. Cristian and Antonio are also held captive in the palace. And David Vickers the dog, ended up with Natalie Buchanan and Jared Banks who, after learning of the dog’s identity, takes him Dorian Lord’s home where he meets his namesake.

Well, there you have it. That is a *brief* character history of Tina Lord Roberts. Although those are some of the highlights, they do not include all of Tina’s exploits in Llanview. But you get the picture; Tina has a long history in Llanview with many past and present characters. I hope this helps newer viewers understand Tina’s connection to Llanview. I know that I myself learned some things about Tina that I wasn’t aware of while doing research for this column.
I hope you do the same. And I hope you enjoy reading this column as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Before I close, don’t forget to submit your fondest memories of “One Life to Live’s” first 40 years by including them in your responses to this column on the Soap Opera Network message board. You can also leave your comments on the SON website, or you can PM or e-mail them to me. I look forward to hearing from all my fellow “OLTL” fans! Remember that “OLTL’s” 40th anniversary is coming up very soon on July 15th, which will also be the date of my next column, which I swear to post on time.

Well, that’s all for this edition of the column. I hope you enjoyed this edition of the column. Keep enjoying your summer. Take care and see you next time on “OLTL’s” 40th anniversary on July 15th.

And until next time remember, we only have “One Life to Live” …..

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