
AMC PreVUE: Week of March 17 Edition

A Game of Chicken
Thursday, March 13, 2008 1:27 AM | By Angela Rosa

( — Will Jesse Hubbard end this hectic week as a free man?



GET SET-UP: Tad and Jesse arrive at the warehouse where Jesse was held prisoner, just as Robert wanted them to. Joined by Angie, Jesse and Tad uncover a creepy shrine dedicated to Jesse. Jesse and Tad finally realize that someone wanted them to find the warehouse. Meanwhile, after working a little of his charm over on Opal, Robert proceeds to make Frankie and Colby disappear. The voice on the digitally enhanced voice recording challenges Jesse to come back to the warehouse alone. Jesse, Angie and Tad are horrified to discover Frankie and Colby have been kidnapped. Robert and Rafael discuss their plan to use the kids as bait to lure Jesse out of hiding.

DEVELOP A PLAN: Tad swears to an enraged Adam that he’ll bring his daughter back to him. Jesse goes to extremes to prevent Adam from contacting the authorities. Jesse prepares to trade himself for his son and Colby. Meanwhile, Krystal and Angie team up to find a clue that will lead them to the kids and end up at Mrs. Remington’s house where they make a shocking discovery. Jesse’s luck get even crappier as Adam and Tad get derailed off his trail after Adam suffers a sudden cardiac episode. Back at Mrs. Remington’s wrecked house, Krystal and Angie find Mrs. Remington dying of a heart attack. Meanwhile at the airstrip, Robert holds Mrs. Remington’s necklace in his hands. Jesse is hit with blinding lights as he arrives at the airplane hanger to meet with his enemies.

…AND GO!: A lethal Adam insists that Tad get back to the matter at hand and drive. Meanwhile at the hanger, Jesse challenges Robert to finally reveal himself. Their escape attempt having flopped, Frankie and Colby are led to Jesse by gunpoint. Although clueless as to what he has been looking for and where to find it, Jesse does his best to bluff Robert. Chaos ensues and gunshots ring out as Adam and Tad arrive at the hanger. Colby and Frankie are saved. Mrs. Remington slips away. A distraught Angie and Krystal realize Mrs. Remington’s necklace may hold the answers to Jesse’s disappearance twenty years ago.


Samuel gets his fill of Kane women as Kendall unleashes on him and Erica proceeds to mock his successful conviction. Meanwhile, Jack is stunned as Greenlee suggests he start playing the field while Erica is incarcerated. Annie and Richie realize nothing has changed between them when Mrs. Lavery’s visits with an ailing Richie quickly takes a nasty turn. Zach breathes a sigh of relief when Kendall finally tells him about meeting with Ryan in Los Angeles. Adam and Krystal have honest conversations with each other’s children. Greenlee knows Ryan is faking when he claims to Annie that his memory is returning but promises to keep his secret. Things turn lethal after JR arrives at Richie’s hospital room to taunt him. Jack does his best to bolster Erica’s spirit before her transfer to prison. Erica has her hands full with Carmen, her new cellmate who refuses to be ignored.


Monday: Greenlee clearly has unresolved feelings for Ryan. Tad and Jesse are dubious of Robert’s claims. Frankie and Colby form a new bond after their harrowing ordeal.

Tuesday: Carmen forces Erica to go on the run with her. Ryan continues to lead Annie to believe he’s getting his memory back. Greenlee’s jealousy gets the best of her.

Wednesday: Erica manages to leave a clue as to where she and Carmen are headed. Jesse appears to finally be a free man. Krystal has a hard time moving out of Adam’s.

Thursday: Carmen gets Erica to open up about her feelings for Jack. Ryan comes clean with Kendall. Annie isn’t going to let Greenlee off the hook so easily.

Friday: Zach forces Ryan to face the man he really is. Greenlee and Kendall vow not to repeat their past mistakes. Jesse wonders if he’ll ever get all the answers he seeks.

Pictured: Michael E. Knight courtesy ABC

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