
KoldCast TV to Debut Online Soap Opera ‘Milgram and the Fastwalkers’

Innovative noir soap opera Milgram and the Fastwalkers premieres today on KoldCast TV, the leading international discovery network for original television series.

via Press Release

Los Angeles, July 17, 2012 – Innovative noir soap opera Milgram and the Fastwalkers premieres today on KoldCast TV, the leading international discovery network for original television series.

Milgram and the Fastwalkers tells the story of Sally Lemm, a highly-stressed hotshot corporate litigator experiencing strange dreams caused by anxiety and sleep loss. At wit’s end, Sally consults prominent clinician Dr. Daniel Milgram, a world-class psychiatrist in the field of abnormal psychology. Challenged by the difficulty of Sally’s case, Dr. Milgram attempts to decode her experiences and reluctantly becomes a psychiatric detective in an increasingly non-rational world. Both Sally’s and Dr. Milgram’s personal lives and successful careers evolve into a turbulent hall of mirrors once the dark and secret world of alien presence and abduction intrudes.

Series Creator and Executive Producer, Richard Cutting, who plays Dr. Milgram, describes Milgram and the Fastwalkers as General Hospital meets In Treatment meets Fire In The Sky. “Sally has a world inside her she can’t share, and Milgram and his wife have problems they aren’t dealing with, all the while their professional lives unravel. Less about ray guns and aliens, although the scary stuff is there, every character in Fastwalkers is deliciously flawed, and the relationships between these imperfect people in conflict mean various coping strategies. Women of a certain age will definitely identify with the women of Fastwalkers,” says Cutting.

Cutting, a longtime UFO enthusiast and TV soap actor, became fascinated with soap storylines. “People don’t give soap scripts due credit. It’s an intriguing and complex entertainment format. I realized, from my prior life as a UFO writer, that UFOs could provide the perfect story arc inside a soap format,” Cutting said.

KoldCast CEO David S. Samuels said, “Soap fans and SciFi/UFO enthusiasts alike will enjoy Fastwalkers as a smart, complex, emotionally rich and often darkly humorous story with a unique and fascinating one-of-a-kind soap slant on the always-riveting topic of UFO’s. We are absolutely thrilled to have added Milgram and the Fastwalkers to our programming lineup.”

Public opinion polls collated over the last 50 years from around the world report that approximately 50% of the population believes in UFO’s, and that 5% of the population believes they have seen a UFO. ‘Fastwalkers’ is a NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) term to classify Unidentified Flying Objects.

The production, headquartered in Baltimore and New York, films on the East Coast, and includes cast and crewmembers from New York, Los Angeles, Santa Fe and Baltimore. The series stars Richard Cutting, as Dr. Daniel Milgram, Walker Hays as Sally Lemm and Kate Revelle as Evelyn Milgram.

Musicians from London, Chicago, Baltimore, and around the world contribute to the series.

12- Episode Season One of Milgram and the Fastwalkers premieres on KoldCast TV today. New episodes will premiere every two weeks through Fall 2012.


KoldCast Entertainment Media is an entertainment licensing, representation, distribution, and marketing company specializing in premium independent television properties, which includes original episodic programming, historically referred to as web series, as well as documentaries and short films produced by independent filmmakers from around the world. Among our entertainment media properties are KoldCast TV and The Sixth Wall. KoldCast TV was the first and is the leading online TV network for original episodic programming. Unlike online video sites, KoldCast TV curates and licenses programming from independent production companies and filmmakers, and delivers a unique, “best-of” discovery experience. We eliminate the need to mine through the muck to find gold. KoldCast TV is free to all viewers. New Shows premiere weekly and new episodes are released daily. KoldCast TV programming can also be found on popular set-top boxes like Boxee and Roku, and on Internet-enabled televisions and devices from Vizio, Best Buy’s Insignia brand and several others. KoldCast TV is now watched in every country and territory around the world.

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