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Nancy Lee Grahn Back to ‘General Hospital’

It's official: Nancy Lee Grahn is taping again at "General Hospital" and will be back on screen as Alexis Davis as early as next month.

More than a month since alerting fans that she would be having back surgery which would require ample recovery time, “General Hospital” star Nancy Lee Grahn recently announced that she’s taping again at the daytime drama series. During her absence, the role of Alexis Davis was temporarily recast with actress Stephanie Erb whose scenes began airing earlier this week.

“It was, I think, the longest I have been off of work since I’ve worked on daytime,” Grahn said in an Instagram video she shared yesterday. “What is also crazy is, when I was a young gal, I had a huge crush on ‘Trapper John, M.D.,’ and today, I had all my scenes with him and it was really fun,” added Grahn, seemingly referring to co-star Gregory Harrison who plays Gregory Chase on “GH.” In the primetime series which ran from 1979-1986 on CBS and was a spinoff of “M*A*S*H*,” Harrison played Dr. George Alonzo ‘Gonzo’ Gates.

Nancy Lee Grahn, Stephanie Erb, Alexis Davis, General Hospital, GH, GH ABC, #GH, #GeneralHospital

Commenting on Erb taking over the role of Alexis Davis in her absence, Grahn said, “Thank you Stephanie Erb very much for filling in for me. It’s much appreciated. I didn’t get to meet you, but I hope I do one day soon.”

Grahn will likely appear back on screen at some point in late May based on the show’s current tape-to-air schedule.

Check out Grahn’s Instagram post below.

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