
Watch Adorable Sonny and Avery Scene Cut from ‘General Hospital’

Can't get enough of Sonny and Avery (twins Ava and Grace Scarola) scenes on "General Hospital?" Apparently, neither can Maurice Benard, who plays the show's mobster super dad. So he was quick to share and adorable father-daughter moment that didn't make into a recent episode.

Can’t get enough of Sonny and Avery (twins Ava and Grace Scarola) scenes on “General Hospital?” Apparently, neither can Maurice Benard, who plays the show’s mobster super dad. So he was quick to share an adorable father-daughter moment that didn’t make into a recent episode.

“How dare they cut Avery out of today’s GH, but you can see it on …” tweeted Benard, directing fans to the soap’s abc.go page to watch the short, but incredibly sweet scene.

In the cute exchange, Avery, who big sister Kiki (Hayley Erin) snuck over to her father’s house, is sitting on Sonny’s lap. He tenderly begins reassuring the tyke that she’ll soon be home where she belongs with him and her stepmother Carly (Laura Wright).

“You know this is your home, right?” says Sonny softly. “Remember when you used to live here with Carly and me, and I used to sing to you, and you used to laugh really loud? You remember that, huh? Guess what? I promise you that’s going to happen again real soon. You’re going to be living here with me and Carly for the rest of your life. How does that sound to you?”

When the distracted child doesn’t offer up a response and instead starts gazing around the room, Benard asks her to look at him with her “pretty eyes.” After a little coaxing, she finally does, and that’s when things really turn cute between Sonny and Avery.

Not only does she look straight at Benard, but she also grabs hold of his nose and starts squeezing it. Benard, in turn, chuckles, opens his eyes wide and makes a funny face.

“You’re coming home,” he smiles. “Yeah. You’re coming home.”

You can watch the scene below:

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