Comings & Goings

Katherine Kelly Lang Set for 2015 Return to ‘B&B’

Whatever Forrester Creations business Brooke Logan had to handle in Europe, which was the reason cited for her departure from the Los Angeles based company many months ago, seems to have finally been settled as portrayer Katherine Kelly Lang returned to the set of CBS' "The Bold and the Beautiful" earlier this month to once again film scenes, which begins airing in late January 2015.
Gilles Toucas/ Bell-Phillip Television Productions, Inc.
Gilles Toucas/ Bell-Phillip Television Productions, Inc.

Whatever Forrester Creations business Brooke Logan had to handle in Europe, which was the reason cited for her departure from the Los Angeles based company many months ago, seems to have finally been settled as portrayer Katherine Kelly Lang returned to the set of CBS’ “The Bold and the Beautiful” earlier this month to once again film scenes, which begins airing in late January 2015.

In real-life Lang was off screen for three months to take part in the Italian version of “Dancing with the Stars,” which turned out to be a living nightmare for the actress as she told TV Guide‘s Michael Logan: “I thought it would be fun to go over and compete on a dance program. [Laughs] Well, I was wrong! It turned out to be more of a reality show with dance involved and they really want to provoke you. They want to see your reactions. They want to see tears and anger. And they really want to see you fire back some retorts, which is so not my style. I don’t like reality shows at all so, when I realized what was really going on, I was taken aback. I think maybe they thought they’d hired my character. They kept calling me Brooke. I kept saying, ‘My name is Kelly!'”

Lang tore a muscle during the competition, which required physical therapy, but the show’s producers and judges didn’t seem to care. “They had cameras on us during rehearsal at all times but they didn’t show my injury on the air — in fact, they wanted to pretend it never happened. So when I was talking to the judges, I had to bring up my injury myself which made it look like I was playing the pity card. [Laughs] I was, like, ‘This is not happening!'”

While on screen Hope lost her baby and left town, Brooke’s return on Thursday, January 22, gives viewers an idea of what’s been going on with the younger Logan. “Hope came to visit her in Europe — none of which the audience got to see — and she [referring to Brooke] seems to know about Quinn and Deacon being together,” shared Lang, who noted her first scenes back are with Rena Sofer and Sean Kanan.

As for what’s going on in her son’s life, Brooke isn’t aware of Rick’s (Jacob Young) affair with Maya (Karla Mosley) since Hope didn’t say anything about it. “While she was away in Europe, she did hear that Rick and Caroline [Linsey Godfrey] were having problems but she’s hoping the marriage will be fine. When she finds out why it’s not fine — and that Ridge [Thorsten Kaye] was involved — she is not happy. It’s kind of funny how she deals with the situation, which I will not spoil!

To learn more about what’s in store for Brooke in regards to Rick, Ridge, Caroline, and even Katie (Heather Tom) and Bill (Don Diamont), read Lang’s full TV Guide interview.

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