
R.I.P. Julian St. John, Son of ‘Y&R’s’ Kristoff St. John

It is with great sadness to report that Julian St. John, son of "The Young and the Restless'" Kristoff St. John (Neil Winters), has died. News of Julian's passing came to light from a posting by his mother, Mia, on Saturday, November 29. Julian St. John died on Sunday, November 23 from an apparent suicide.

It is with great sadness to report that Julian St. John, son of “The Young and the Restless'” Kristoff St. John (Neil Winters), has died. News of Julian’s passing came to light from a posting by his mother, Mia, on Saturday, November 29. Julian St. John died on Sunday, November 23 from an apparent suicide.

“Our son was the light of our lives, an artist with a beautiful mind and spirit. He fought long and hard against an illness for which there is no cure. Unfortunately the pain became too great for him and I dare not say he lost the battle — he simply chose to set himself free,” wrote Mia on Sqor.com. “My fight for mental health will continue. They may not find a cure in my lifetime, but we can try and prevent the loss of another beautiful soul.”

“And so the legend continues…once upon a time,” wrote Kristoff on his Twitter and Facebook pages with a link to a post on the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot website featuring Julian’s art.

Funeral services for Julian will be held on Friday, December 5, the same day he would have turned 25, in Westlake, California. Following services will be a reception and art exhibit from his final collection. For more on Julian’s art visit theartofjulian.com.

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