On the Record

Kristian Alfonso To Peter Reckell: ‘Do You Remember The Woman Bo Was Married To?!’

When former "Days of our Lives" star Peter Reckell (ex-Bo Brady) tweeted several weeks back about a possible return to the daytime drama series, his comments not only grabbed the attention of his fans and the soap press, but his former on screen love interest, Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady), as well. In an interview with the actress, Alfonso provides Soap Opera Network with insight on why Hope doesn't need anyone's permission to move on with her life, how the relationship between Aiden Jennings (Daniel Cosgrove) and Hope is a new, but sweet kind of love, and why she was surprised Reckell said what he did on social media.
Paul Skipper/JPI Studios
Paul Skipper/JPI Studios

When former “Days of our Lives” star Peter Reckell (ex-Bo Brady) tweeted several weeks back about a possible return to the daytime drama series, his comments not only grabbed the attention of his fans and the soap press, but his former on screen love interest, Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady), as well. In an interview with the actress, Alfonso provides Soap Opera Network with insight on why Hope doesn’t need anyone’s permission to move on with her life, how the relationship between Aiden Jennings (Daniel Cosgrove) and Hope is a new, but sweet kind of love, and why she was surprised Reckell said what he did on social media.

On October 13, Reckell tweeted, “I called the show to see if it was time for Bo to make an appearance. With the connection Bo and Hope have always shared, I thought he could give her the OK to move on with her life, in a dream or something. But the writers have written far ahead, and my suggestions are a bit too late. Which makes sense, so nothing came of that conversation. You say Bo’s actions are out of character. That’s a writer’s way of foreshadowing something, in character, happening down the road. Sorry if I got your hopes up re DAYS.”

After seeing his comments, Alfonso says, “But, he watches the show and is well aware of what’s happening on the show. And I wrote the divorce letter a month a half ago, [well] it aired a month and a half ago. And, no disrespect to Pete, but Hope doesn’t need Bo’s permission to move on. She already moved on. Thank you very much, though! So, moving on, that answers that!”

READ ALSO: Big Week Ahead for ‘DAYS’’ Hope and Aiden; Reveal of Shocking Secrets Leads to ‘Never Done Before’ Scene On NBC Soap!

Commenting on the tweet itself, Alfonso notes, “When I saw that tweet, I was like, ‘Petey Boy! Since when did Hope… do you remember the woman Bo was married to?! You’ve been on the run too long! Your wife never needed anyone’s permission for anything, which is how she got herself into a lot of trouble, but also solved a lot of crimes. Everyone told her not to get hooked up with Bo, and it was like, ‘I’m going to do what I’m going to do.’ So I was surprised when Peter tweeted that. I said, ‘There must be some mistake!’ because knowing the character so well, he would know that Hope doesn’t need anybody’s permission to move on. He gave her every reason to move on.”

Howard Wise/JPI Studios
Howard Wise/JPI Studios

Speaking of moving on, Hope has found herself in the arms of Aiden Jennings, a lawyer with a hidden past she’s just learned more about in recent episodes. Despite what she’s found out, the characters find themselves in bed for the first time on the Friday, November 14 episode. “It’s different, it’s interesting. It’s a new adventure,” says Alfonoso of the pairing. “It’s very sweet love, but it’s also very passionate. There’s just so many things that I think people can really relate to. I was a single mother in real-life. It’s hard being a single mother [while] trying to juggle it all and be a great mother, do your job and do them both well. So, I have been really enjoying that. [In real-life] I also married a single dad… and married the families together. It’s hard, it’s hard.”

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