General HospitalGH Interviews


Soap Opera Network's coverage of the 41st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards red carpet continues, this time with "General Hospital's" Maura West (Ava Jerome), who opted for a silver gown for the night's event.
Steven Bergman Photography
Steven Bergman Photography

Soap Opera Network‘s coverage of the 41st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards red carpet continues, this time with “General Hospital’s” Maura West (Ava Jerome), who opted for a silver gown for the night’s event.

Soap Opera Network: Beautiful gown! You’re like a statue! Who’s the designer?

I don’t know. My fabulous costume designer let me borrow this from “General Hospital.”

Lucky! So can you take me through your day? What did you do leading up to the red carpet?

I’ve got five children, so I wake up at like 5:45 with at least two of them in my bed with me. And then I have my coffee, got my hair blown out and then went home and had a Miller Lite.

Awesome! That’s good before the red carpet to take the edge off!

It was really kind of a natural day. I also went for a swim early.

So no snags getting ready? It was pretty smooth?

Yes. And my husband drove me.

Is there anyone in particular you’re rooting for tonight?

Obviously Jane Elliot (Tracy Quartermaine, “GH”). She’s my personal standout. Not only is she an extraordinary actress, but she’s an exceptional human being. I’m sure you’ve heard so many people say this tonight, but it’s true what they say: She’s just a really special person, and she was so kind to me when I arrived at the show. And of course, Kristen Alderson [Kiki Jerome, “GH”], my little girl. And my lover, Bryan Craig [Morgan Corinthos]! Can’t forget him. They’re all so lovely.

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