
‘B&B’s’ Kristolyn Lloyd Set For New Adventures

"The Bold and the Beautiful's" Kristolyn Lloyd has packed up and left Los Angeles for a move to the east coast -New York and Boston to be exact. The actress, who remains a recurring cast member on the CBS Daytime drama series with her role Dayzee Leigh, announced earlier this week that she was headed to the Big Apple for new adventures. "Goodbye Los Angeles! I'll miss your warm summer days in the Winter and your beautiful city lights! Let's not be strangers...," tweeted the Lloyd before her flight departed La-La Land.


Gilles Toucas
Gilles Toucas

“The Bold and the Beautiful’s” Kristolyn Lloyd has packed up and left Los Angeles for a move to the east coast – New York and Boston to be exact. The actress, who remains a recurring cast member on the CBS Daytime drama series with her role as Dayzee Leigh, announced earlier this week that she was headed to the Big Apple for new adventures. “Goodbye Los Angeles! I’ll miss your warm summer days in the Winter and your beautiful city lights! Let’s not be strangers…,” tweeted Lloyd before her flight departed La-La Land on Friday, December 20.

First up on Lloyd’s agenda is a role in “Witness Uganda: The Musical,” which follows a black American volunteer named Griffin, who arrives in New York City to help build a village school and escape his church’s probing into his sexuality. “WU is a music theatre experience that will change the way we witness theatre and participate in the world,” reads the description by creators Matt Gould and Griffin Matthews. At this time it is unclear as to what role Lloyd will play in the musical.

Fore more information on the musical, click here.

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