Comings & Goings

‘Big Brother’ Star Returning to ‘B&B’; Talks ‘Brother’ Controversy

In an exclusive interview with TV Guide's Michael Logan, former "Big Brother" star and current host, Jeff Schroeder, revealed that's he's scheduled to make a return visit to CBS' "The Bold and the Beautiful" in scenes set to air Tuesday, August 27. The reality star and actor was last seen on the soap in October 2009, alongside real-life love and "Brother" contestant Jordan Lloyd. Schroeder will appear in scenes involving the production of Room 8, the show-within-a-show starring Maya (Karla Mosley) and Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor), per the publication.
 Larry Busacca/Getty Images
Larry Busacca/Getty Images

In an exclusive interview with TV Guide‘s Michael Logan, former “Big Brother” star and current host, Jeff Schroeder, revealed that’s he’s scheduled to make a return visit to CBS’ “The Bold and the Beautiful” in scenes  set to air Tuesday, August 27. The reality star and actor was last seen on the soap in October 2009, alongside real-life love and “Brother” contestant Jordan Lloyd. Schroeder will appear in scenes involving the production of Room 8, the show-within-a-show starring Maya (Karla Mosley) and Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor), per the publication.

“I’m still screwing up my lines!” says Schroeder four years after his last experience on the soap. “I had a scene with Karla who was super-awesome but, when we were on set, it was all so real and she was looking right into my eyes and I got caught up in the moment and forgot what I was supposed to say! I got it on the second take, so I didn’t embarrass myself too badly. I play a production assistant—slash—janitor at the Room 8 show. I have a mop and a huge garbage can, but I really felt at home cleaning floors because I got into a little trouble in high school and had to be a janitor for the rest of my senior year.”

As for the controversy surrounding the antics of the “Brother” contestants, Schroeder says, “I am so surprised! The houseguests know they’re on camera 24/7 and should be much more aware of what they’re saying. Now they’re going to have to pay for it once the game is over. Some have already paid by losing their jobs, though they don’t know it yet. Hopefully, they’ll learn from what they’ve done wrong, but I don’t think the answer is spreading hate with more hate. I’ve seen a lot of things being said about this situation online and some of the viewer responses are just as ugly as what’s being said in the house. I don’t like all this public bashing. Fighting hate with hate doesn’t work. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t condone the terrible stuff that’s being said in the house, nor am I trying to protect those players but I believe educating them when they get out is the key. You can only hope they’ll learn from their mistakes and become better people.”

Every Friday, Schroeder takes questions directly from fans via “Big Brother Live Chat” on and interviews House Guests and series experts in a live online webcast.

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