
WATCH: ‘General Hospital’: The Real Soap Dish

Missed the "20/20" special dedicated to ABC's "General Hospital"? has uploaded the entire thing (broken into segments) for your viewing pleasure! If you prefer watching the entire thing straight through, also uploaded the entire episode.

Missed the “20/20” special dedicated to ABC’s “General Hospital”? has uploaded the entire  thing (broken into segments) for your viewing pleasure! If you prefer watching the entire thing straight through, also uploaded the entire episode.

Transcript: Part 1
‘General Hospital’: The Real Soap Dish
As “GH” turns 50, Katie Couric goes behind the scenes to explore the cultural phenomenon.

Welcome to port Charles you won’t find it on any map but since 1963. Diehard fans had found that with no trouble at all. Along the way they’ve witnessed hurricanes earthquakes a serial killer to their very own version of mister — — — amnesia.
— a paternity tests. And a lot of love in the afternoon. It’s hard to believe it’s been fifty years so — fast as we’d make you to general hospital.
This is where we via the Walking Dead come — and — resuscitated. They can’t resuscitated. Mega they have very little and then now you are — its biggest.
Air column cheap places like. Status but night Nancy please run is helping — explodes. One of daytime television.
— — — Every — thinks that all these young people on soap operas. Exquisitely beautiful and they’re not they’re hideous when they black yeah — — and and the magic happens. You know when news.
— Soap — history in the making — Okay. More of my scene stealing performance later. — general hospital for one week.
Dan and I — Captured — dress rehearsals. Peeked inside wardrobe closet and left you know — and we have — And — among my friends and soaked up above is that these so did. This is something you can.
Dedicated fans have been waiting decades for. — — — — — — general hospital like you’ve never seen them before altogether for the biggest celebration in daytime television. Big Five.
It’s a fairy tale story that began on April 1 1963. On grounds that — And it’s. Amazing race.
Anderson bonds he felt fine is topped the charts. On the American broadcasting television network a fresh new — is made his debut in black and why they’re being. It was in the — doctor Steve — is young chief of staff I don’t — that he didn’t do you general hospital.
— — — Town and port Charles won’t ever be known to bring peace and quiet she. He — his fans but Hollywood spend the next six decades crashing into homes. Five days a week and one hour a day.
Over the years there were spin on — Religion one in prime time. Once you — the young man. This strange title has just been one is talking vampires.
Vampires when it comes to fifteen years — feeling that this — your anniversary overwhelmed. With overwhelmed him. C and the fan support is an extraordinary.
General hospital — Plays Becky get back to their closet — — six with the. You yeah. People role in an amount of good — Mortgage your respiration 34 — and that decision clean this tuning her out.
— — who plays nurse at Tiffany Johnson is a devoted fan herself. When I called my mother and I told her that I was on general hospital. — — — — I that.
Old — would be doing needle point smoking cigarettes should keep — — between the extra. I remember owners Jesse James Tea Party in earthquake. That’s exactly shaking in it was you know was an earthquake catastrophe I think I — — All of the miracle of and love the general hospital right.
— — — — The new hip approach attracted — younger generation of viewers. And — this soap out of date time and on the popular magazine. I remember.
Dictate my conduct. And being movements. So that I could be home to watch the privilege.
— And inspired a Disco hit. General hospital now. Do you fall back and you’re not that far back I.
Laura Wright is the fourth actress — — favorite. Carly Toronto’s — I’ve completed just I’ve been blind I’ve been married I cant I how many times I get to dress up and beautiful club I get to cry on my hands in the east. I — to fall in love I get to lose lovely gift of being passed by.
— — — — A lot of viewers making — only Monica for fighting for her life on the game. But for ten years. He’s also been fending off vicious attacks on.
Remember that fight that I had. Wish that — character of Carly and she picked up for real polls today and — to meet in the back and costly gas is so hard. — — — 840 — The show’s writers have always known how to strike at Ford which.
— — raw and emotional story lines. I want — to have BJ’s heart. There was a full week of you know the daughters dying in the Netherlands is in a car accident and she thinks he’s gonna die.
It was really. People who lived through it. Emotionally and he was hard to watch — the show also broke boundaries by including controversial story lines — move to daytime television.
— positive for H. — A topic few — wanted to talk about this. Face — BJP.
— — — They were young they were in love and they were HIV positive he could not picked a better character to — — to Enron’s — — It — how and it helped the viewer because we had watched him in the college — — on the show when — was sent to resolve. Do you feel like to have the opportunity to really educate people I think the — — accepted the tricky part about doing story — like that. Is still.
Somewhat making it entertaining knows it’s still so. — the show will go on. As a result the G-8 introduced the annual nurses Bob.
The — it’s entertaining viewers. All alone — HIV awareness at the same time. — — who plays the offbeat Lucy — help get the ball rolling in the early nineteen.
We must feel so proud of that it’s the best blend of art. And educating people and making them laugh and I was in the in my underwear in history. He hadn’t gotten under — and see.

Transcript: Part 2
‘General Hospital’: Famous Faces
Elizabeth Taylor and James Franco did cameos, and Demi Moore was on before she was a star.

Welcome back where here in the quarter main mansion I hope I don’t run into Traci she scares me. But it would be fun to run into James frank — to mean more some of the most famous faces and Hollywood have passed through port Charles. Many got their start right here on general hospital.
Others were — stars before they even checked again. — Fascinating. In 1980 he — nineteen year old got her first big break on general hospital.
— — — — — — The new — be about a thousand other actresses for the role of the — Jackie Templeton and that’s what she’s human yelling for help me. Choose a lot of fun — for little wacky. Free spirit through.
But when her first job. — — biggest role before G aged. Believe in the horror film.
— night. And she’s not the only thing. These hospital afterwards.
She went from your — won’t have long been an emotional. Roseanne Barr. — — — — — — — — — George to — your Star Trek just gone through and — people six just like.
Luke Skywalker himself. Mark — Even TV legend Milton — myself I can’t make it through today. All in here are some obvious pain and every — their first wall finish went — for stardom.
The divers Richard dean Anderson got started this show. In conformity with its. Fairy tale red PJ is — — — Nelson didn’t we Allen has no protest.
As did the future is Joan of Arcadia — handling. Just twelve when she was spotted by GHT director mark Taschner. She — for the role of deadly quarter remains she hadn’t done anything professionally.
— — And there was something incredibly exquisite about her acting. — — here. What can do — Richard Simmons appeared on the show after a chance meeting with NBC executives.
I was sitting at a time. He didn’t do when you’re the one that was really — can — the exercise. Again she says they’re going to be.
A general. In the fitness craze eighty that he kept the nurses at general hospital in shape. Recently he green visited port Charles — — all want the ball you.
Simmons knows he has general hospital’s — for an early premier foods. It was a precious. Few Francis simply — — young girls and okay.
Many stars he’s general hospital as their lean into prime time. Jonathan Jackson making music on national — these days on the board that he was breaking hearts — — It’s — — He read from me when — Eleven or twelve years old and the fact that time I thought it was the most special kid I’ve ever met. It’s not too — to back.
— — stands and onto dynasty. Janine Turner in northern exposure. Can having — around and Kristin Davis — — Sex and the City.
Sometimes I can feel it. General hospital — Cameos also give — a chance to play against — In 2000 new home in the — founding — Late cellist Jennifer Smith who kidnapped blue velour and an attempt to get clued in to marry her then if you don’t want — winning. A killer first in the — me it’s of the great punches Gary Williams — con man named Hannibal.
Stand on the threshold of started walking over nearly 500 dollars. Meredith Vieira that — hosted the view that played the madam of an upscale prostitution ring and he didn’t just work for me. Grocery money.
And recently. — — — — — Latest serial killer — cutting — He came and and we threw a lot of material about him because we only items for a limited amount of time so he wish — episode after episode in one day. It’s.
So we didn’t quite work out and he did a great job of playing. — — But the biggest RGH cameo came at the height of the Luke and Laura wedding phenomenon. I want to see.
Kind of man — — Can imagine that — must — my husband. Elizabeth Taylor was a self proclaimed super — who asked the show bring gas — Her five episode appearance as a millionaire widow Elaine it — a dying. Culminated with her — the first time — — — during their wedding.
Did you guys become close you — at one point. — to — sort of. — — — well there’s some kind of early Coleman of flying over the last two years rilya.
Now spend a lot of time doing things. Thanks. Regular stuff people just.
Really you played — moment of them. And she was terrible night when she had wonderful time doing. What kind of doctor — you.
— — — all these cameos rethinking their. — on myself. His comments on your mother.

Transcript: Part 3
‘General Hospital’: Afternoon Delight
A survey of the evolution of sex on “GH,” from the prim old days to pasties and thongs.

When you’ve got so you know that means sag. And lots of the and bringing the general hospital aren’t you guessed it he’s the you — Who doesn’t want. Amounts of television.
Person comes to the show and it’s an embrace it may have been nine on the. Plus does make you comfortable. — — — — — Yes.
First order of business and a love scene gentlemen he’s losing that’s — — — give you quality take Richard up from two weeks previously put the phone down to couple — — off from work. — Thank you for three days before you do it. — — — We believe they will still velcro into insurance that the woman just — the — turned off.
Without having to be a long drawn out admitted that — Some fifteen officers Kittanning open condom wrappers that their — and it’s not just the men agreeing on the afternoon delight. Here you are having an opportunity to — in — with the most beautiful women in television. My — just don’t have any class they make Nellie is let Steve Burton street Bernard you know I’m not fair.
Think nice — — follows port Charles and Texas Roger collar fan and garage. I mean the list goes on — — Panama. — and normally and complaining that could have been Hastings didn’t she.
— — — — — — — If you think that’s outrageous consider that — Monica — — to a spot had an affair with a tennis pro who was later revealed to be her husband Alan nephew Ned Ashton son of Monica’s sister in law Tracy Porter me. All of my friends yeah that’s right yes I didn’t know that I had a brief fling with my nephew Ned and I were involved — green — like yeah. But this — fifty shades of GH field.
And one of — shave it. He is too good to stay cuts coming you don’t have to keep — — on the ground and kissed him. — sure yet that hasn’t always been so racy.
Back in the day it took a lot less to cause — scandal you couldn’t say pregnant and look at Columbia. Intimacy on television machines throughout the years and think with someone’s hands touched back in the fifties or sixties. There’s a very electric moment over the years ago you couldn’t even issued a husband and wife in the same ballot.
— This in anything about a bed with the — still here. I don’t know what — fast. I don’t know that I ever actually.
Made not demanding that — A lot of sofa love a lot of people are low not many — have bedroom fast because the cost a lot of money so generally if you’re having sex. — — — — — It’s at the hospital. — — against Islam or its in the ring.
Sand on the grass but no matter — location is. — — unless you come with instructions. — You know move your arms — shoulder turner a little — the last move your head out of the way she rollover touches.
Days with so much stop and — — It’s hard to get in the movie fell in love and money you can you can try you know enemy but then he got — — to show there than we — — — that the army — has the — and yet it’s and I think frustrated the what’s the mood is sad and it handles magically ignited just picture the fire doesn’t get too hot if you know what I mean. We had a long running joke with the managed to code word was. Dead puppies this think about that — Amounted to spend.
It’s either that — grandma’s. And I was sorry for — we can’t say that can. Little little chemistry in real life doesn’t hurt when you’re trying to create chemistry on camera to have them to.
Sex appealing — — secret lust and get a secret. Questions — I have some other Michael but I did not have an — on the — of its announcement I must say she knew that the — — Actually — something from them but it’s not. I have been on the — — general hospital where they realized coupled with playing a love scene and they were just completely new.

Transcript: Part 4
‘General Hospital’: A Visitor’s Guide to Port Charles
Take a witty tour through the town that “GH” has called home for 50 years.

If — checking in here at the metro court hotel in port Charles any time soon whether for business or pleasure. We thought you might need — visitors guide to help you navigate your way around town. — how do.
Just look at what — tell. This city and expecting — expert. When you’re asking for your — support — — closed for.
I couldn’t weather and good about these rituals by the end at palm — and would — — from his yeah. Don’t forget America. There’s always a slight chance that — — we’ll try to freeze the entire city.
Decided to lower the temperature and watch those — will be. There’s only one full service hotel in port Charles. Where is where it all goes down — the and I mean full service and my hotel I — — Allen make down the middle of my hotel and like I am the worst hotel — And — yes a few years back the entire town was taken hostage here I am that man.
Looking for a place to grab a meal — at least for local. I’m Kelly it’s the meeting place would — — have a romantic lunch with the permanent. — sit down.
— — irritability and not beautiful or if you’re doing a little traffic. Must try the floating — The floating — this — bar — — — Where people sometimes there’s a song he’s an anti — on the tables Smith will invariably be a funny. Our have been — something at someone else.
— one cautionary — when driving from one hot spot to another. Really careful. His — a terrible drivers.
Penn street and runs. — I just wait you know ran right over the body can’t go. And then — into my license.
If you’re unlucky on the roads — don’t worry. A general hospital will receive downright miraculous care. It’s not as if they don’t — mishmash — it’s amazing things today within a couple days to discover that what we’re looking there’s an acute case — and there are — Be aware there’s a good chance he may run into gunshot victims while you’re at general hospital and — — — for the first PlayStation start with the returns because everybody — have to.
Access to — — and finds a gun. Had been shot and I’ve been held at gunpoint I got shot in the back how many times my — insurers can’t thank you have lost track. I shot myself in the foot and wants to Wear a bulletproof — the best way to stay safe during their visit to prevent the — Certain on a dark room.
No one goes get a — You can conclude that it’s a place for serious conversations you should not interfere didn’t gunfights. — — — Perhaps you’re just in town to attend a — — — Stunned that I would like they didn’t drink and — more often than not — — cash price point it’s lovers. Stunning confession.
And some — yes you guessed it. — — Okay. Let it actually did take place don’t always last very long and once you get married you know pretty much that it’s been.
Six months management’s. Yeah. — pretty.
In — expectant mother you should know that women here are prone to going into labor. At the most unexpected times. In elevators.
Don’t — all. — — — — — — — — This — mom with even shocked. — — — — Be sure to keep — — sign on your children in port Charles.
The only thing when I mean what would you have to have a home for its Seattle. — — — I was very quickly you — And yeah. And Jordan condition known as — — — — — — He’s — effect only so hard for children.
That happened and I remember one teachings so it’s. Years. Their legs you know.
Never seen him in changing diapers no sudden there right. Low. And held event happens that hit the million.

Transcript: Part 5
‘General Hospital’: Super Couples
Luke and Laura are just one of the couples whose relationship has riveted fans for decades.

They — they shine an adrenaline general hospital needed. Anybody see a low life front man for the — — a good girl from a broken home. But together — Spencer and Laura Webber became — time that it.
We’re gonna get dressed up to the hill to the girl the iconic super — everyone would come to know yeah. As Luke and Laura said that yes in the — he was the criminal. They would be given me.
Wanted them to get together and happy. And on November 17 1981. It finally happened.
The most unforgettable moment in general hospital’s history may kiss the — but. War on another daytime soap for that matter. The way — and I looked at each other you’re watching dynamic don’t think they’re so happy thirty million people tuned in.
Their ID is the highest rated moment — time history. It’s just an amazing thing to have been able to participate in just. Work so exciting so — — and genie Francis and Anthony Geary had played Luke and Laura for more than three decades.
And thirty million people when you think of that even thirty years later. You just — I’m surprised that. We’re still after thirty years talking about it.
That year there was another high profile wedding. And that’s bride Princess Diana a general hospital fan herself sent a special toast to celebrate and Luke and — — When you heard that — — you — — myself and Katie. And they have to explain to me biased did you do the honors.
I tell you that that’s a very special bottle I — tonight’s show them models with Elizabeth Taylor. I told him this is a welcome break out — — during game really and so we did. Plus Luke and Laura are not the only super couple to check into general hospital over the years my favorite couple.
No offense look — more — — was Alan Monica over my dead body when Alan Monica we’re trying to kill each other for. — belong to another man and you — yeah. — god she was great.
In — red hot super couples have always been on the front burner and port Charles. The person that we looked at each other realized — It’s just like to Ian Ross. When and it did gain and keep slavery got together and would explain great Scott and I think.
Good thinking back then was — as very excited by him — The couple would do their best to keep their romance under wraps but when they hit the — form their love affair was six. I am not so lucky eight different couple — and Felicia Jones. — — — They sent you know they were light hearted and carefree.
Young people taking lots — it must find that fun on screen. — — romantic. Streak.
And I married my usual and we don’t want ownership and had a family together. The real life couple eventually divorced — — show recently — the characters back. At this week’s nurses ball — saying all I need.
— Through his onetime love. To sing to Christina. — — — — — — — — — — — — And we talk — that’s super couples and not talk about the many super loves but — — and — — by day.
Romeo — night. Why do you think he’s so popular. He’s such a — plot thickened in general I think women like the fix.
Man you know. — the case — he’s left six. And so had there been a string of women — tried to get sunny.
And their characters than analog alive but a lot of — Rendell apparently — Kate slash content. Yeah. Who do you think — the best match for — Alone man.
These fan bases. They didn’t like Sophia Choi had — gonna get him mad at — and you know. I always say the best one is the one — way OK.
But you wouldn’t choose. When he loves. — — — And after fifteen years of love stories happy fans will still tell you it’s hard to top super couple — and Laura.
You can keep it be possible. General hospital without the promise. Of.
We — — — together again. I think that there’s a place remove criminal. As long as we’re around but it can’t be doing — can’t consistently.

Transcript: Part 6
‘General Hospital’: The Musical
Rick Springfield and Ricky Martin — plus the songs that “GH” made into hits.


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