
They’re Back: Edgier, Sexier, Hotter and Bolder!

Hulu has released its newest video promoting the returns of "All My Children" and "One Life to Live." The video, titled "They're Back," gives viewers a glimpse into how much edgier, sexier, hotter and bolder each soap now is as they get closer to their online debuts courtesy of The OnLine Network.

Hulu has released its newest video promoting the returns of “All My Children” and “One Life to Live.” The video, titled “They’re Back,” gives viewers a glimpse into how much edgier, sexier, hotter and bolder each soap now is as they get closer to their online debuts courtesy of The OnLine Network.

Prospect Park Networks, LLC
Prospect Park Networks, LLC

Between Bianca Montgomery (Eden Riegel) screaming “I Hate You!” to JR Chandler (Ryan Bittle) as daughter Miranda Montgomery (Denyse Tontz) says, “I Love, Love, Love You!” to JR’s son, AJ (Eric Nelsen), Pine Valley may be in for its own Romeo & Juliet type storyline. Then again, being pressured into possibly taking part in a threesome sure seems to be more envelope pushing for little Miss Montgomery. Meanwhile, club goers are welcomed to some Shelter in Llanview as Cutter Wentworth (Josh Kelly) introduces patrons to the opening of Blair Cramer’s (Kassie DePaiva) new club.

“All My Children” and “One Life to Live” both premiere Monday, April 29 on Hulu, Hulu Plus and iTunes.

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