
First Look: Meet ‘One Life to Live’s’ Newest Cast Members

With the characters of Matthew Buchanan and Destiny Evans already recast with Robert Gorrie and Laura Harrier, it was only a matter of time before their on-screen love child Drew was recast as well. On Wednesday, Gorrie tweeted a picture of he and his reel-life baby momma holding twin infants Elijah and Isaiah Ford, who are taking over the role on "One Life to Live."

With the characters of Matthew Buchanan and Destiny Evans already recast with Robert Gorrie and Laura Harrier, it was only a matter of time before their on-screen love child Drew was recast as well. On Wednesday, Gorrie tweeted a picture of he and his reel-life baby momma holding twin infants Elijah and Isaiah Ford, who are taking over the role on “One Life to Live.”

The babies take over the role from baby Ezra Giovanni-Scott, who played Drew in “OLTL’s” final episodes on ABC.

Twins are typically cast in these types of roles to allow for more screen time and to fulfill child labor law obligations.

In other casting news…

According to Jerry verDorn‘s (Clint) e-mail fan club newsletter, Peter Bartlett is returning as the Buchanan’s loyal butler Nigel Bartholomew-Smythe and that former “Guiding Light” star Grant Alexsander is now working behind-the-scenes at “One Life to Live.”

As we previously reported, popular Aussie DJs Nervo will be appearing in an episode of “OLTL” featuring Llanview’s newest nightclub “Shelter.” The group posted a picture of them hanging out on the set on Monday and tweeted, “They’re gonna play our next single #HoldOn #OLTL”

Felicia Greenfield, who taped scenes last week as a “Cougar” has been “Requested back to One Life to Live next week,” according to her Facebook page.

Broadway actor Hunter Ryan Herdlicka tells Playbill that “I start shooting ‘One Life to Live’ on Wednesday [March 20th] — a swank-hotel worker involved with a client — the mind boggles).”

Sarah Goosmann is playing an extra on “OLTL.”  She posted on her Twitter page on Tuesday, “Early morning train! Headed back to Stamford for my second day of background work. #oltl” Last week she commented that she was “Going home to CT, even only for 48 hours, was absolutely worth it. Feeling better than before and excited to dive into this next week!!

Joesph James has also done some background work in scenes he taped recently for “OLTL.” He has made numerous “One Life” related comments on his Twitter page including a post on March 23 that said, “I’m doing background….No u5 at moment. Still blessed to be part of the revival!”  He hints that he may be asked back to the set again next week to tape more scenes.

Samantha Tuffarelli tweeted on March 21 that she was “On set OLTL! Return of the soaps! #oltl #dayplayer #actor”

Travis Nesbitt will appear as an extra in some upcoming scenes.

And is “One Life” going to the dogs?  Kelley Missal (Dani) tweeted on March 21 that “There’s a pup on set today!!!! Meet Maggie.” It remains to be seen if the dog is going to be a appear on the show or if someone just brought their dog to work.

“One Life to Live,” along with sister soap “All My Children,” premieres Monday, April 29 on Hulu, Hulu Plus and iTunes.

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