
‘One Life to Live’ 2.0 Tackling Drug Overdoses While Flavoring the British?

Prospect Park's plan to blend "new themes, fresh stars and youthful energy" along with the familiar actors and writers of yesteryear for its version of Agnes Nixon's "All My Children" and "One Life to Live" is beginning to settle in. According to a newly released audition script, the company is looking for a brand new "face" for the "One Life" canvas as the show's original title "Between Heaven and Hell" becomes all the more real.
Rick Rowell/ABC
Rick Rowell/ABC

Prospect Park’s plan to blend “new themes, fresh stars and youthful energy” along with the familiar actors and writers of yesteryear for its version of Agnes Nixon‘s “All My Children” and “One Life to Live” is beginning to settle in. According to a newly released audition script, the company is looking for a brand new “face” for the “One Life” canvas as the show’s original title “Between Heaven and Hell” becomes all the more real.

In an audition script for the contract character “Mick Wilder,” despite the interacting characters being referenced as “Sam” and “Craig,” fans are likely to expect a heavy dose of hospital drama. In a summarized breakdown, “Craig” and “Sam” discuss “Carrie,” who was brought to Llanview Hospital following an apparent overdose on pills. As the two await word on their friend, they observe the inner workings of the hospital’s waiting room. After seeing a woman with several children, “Craig” comments that she looks like she’s on welfare, while “Sam,” being of British descent, replies, “National Health,” which he explains is just “Obamacare by another name.” Afterward, the two laugh over a poor fellow in a wheelchair and spot a hot girl on crutches. Bringing things full circle, the two fight over what brought “Carrie” to the hospital in the first place.

Note: While this is a summarized breakdown of roles currently being cast, this does not in any way mean that a finalized script for the characters will utilize such details nor can any character traits described be expected to appear in the final on air/online version of the series.

Given that Sam has a British accent, it would seem reasonable to presume that he, the character of “Mick Wilder,” and the “Black and British” “Jeffrey King” character, listed on an apparent character listing of the now removed photo on “OLTL” Head Writer Susan Bedsow Horgan‘s Facebook page, are likely all one in the same.

Not convinced?  Then check out the description below for the character of “Mick,” who is described as “African-American, British, handsome, and in his early 20’s.”  His personality reads like the kind of guy a parent would want their daughter to bring home — intelligent, witty, charming, and very career driven.

Mick grew up in England. Smart as can be, witty, full of zest and the British accent doesn’t hurt in the charm arena. He’s the perfect investigative reporter, full of curiosity, questions and enough energy for twelve men. After winning a Pulitzer he’s now moved on to his next business adventure, creating the next greatest app, that he hopes will revolutionize Buchanan Enterprises.

You’ll remember that it was on Friday, January 25 when Soap Opera Network first reported that the series was looking for extras to take part in scenes as cops, nurses/doctors, waiters/waitresses, as well as individuals in their late teens and early twenties as students. This could be where “Carrie” and “Craig” come in to play.

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