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Kirsten Storms Back Filming at ‘General Hospital’

"Happy Back to Work Day!!!! YAY!!" said Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones) in a tweet earlier today as she prepared for her first day back on the set of ABC's "General Hospital." The actress also tweeted a photo of her script that was tucked away in her purse, saying "Bag packed. Off to work. #excitement."
Frank Ockenfels/E! Entertainment

“Happy Back to Work Day!!!! YAY!!” said Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones) in a tweet earlier today as she prepared for her first day back on the set of ABC’s “General Hospital.” The actress also tweeted a photo of her script that was tucked away in her purse, saying “Bag packed. Off to work. #excitement.”

Storms re-tweeted a tweet by co-star Jason Thompson (Patrick Drake), who said, “I’m excited about getting back to work today. A healthy chunk is because @teenystweeting is back!! (but shh, we know how her head can swell).”

Despite telling a follower “Will let you all know when i find out! :)” when asked when she’ll first air, Soap Opera Digest is reporting that Storms’ first airdate is scheduled for Wednesday, September 5, which is just two weeks from now. It looks like the show will be doing some magical editing as the series typically films four weeks or more ahead of airdate.

Previously, Soap Opera Network incorrectly reported that Storms had returned to the set of “GH” back in late July with her first airdate scheduled for mid-to-late August. In actuality, Storms’ first film date was scheduled for mid-to-late August. We apologize for the error.

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