
‘OLTL’ Stars Bid Farewell to ABC Era

A collection of Twitter and Facebook posts from current and former cast and crew members of "One Life to Live" during and following the show's final days of production on its ABC Daytime run, which wrapped production last Friday.
Disney/ABC Television Group

( — A collection of Twitter and Facebook posts from current and former cast and crew members of “One Life to Live” during and following the show’s final days of production on its ABC Daytime run, which wrapped production last Friday.

Kristen Alderson (Starr): “Tomorrow [Friday] is the big day #LastdayofOLTL VERY strange feeling, harder than I could’ve ever imagined. Can’t wait for the wrap party though. Eddie [Alderson], Hillary [Nora], and Bob [Woods] last day today. So blessed to be with them today for it. It’s heartbreaking but so special. I want to thank all of our AMAZING/LOYAL fans for being so extremely supportive through all of the years&for today! Our cast partied their butts off until 4AM last night!…going to be hard falling asleep earlier now…lol”

Brittany Underwood (Langston): “Listening to OLTL musicals all morning. can’t believe the last day of OLTL as we know it has arrived :-/ thanks for all the memories. Just wanted to apologize to everyone who waited outside the studio for us. Couldn’t bear 2 say goodbye. Way 2 emotional 2day. Love you all. Yesterday was perfect. I got to be a part of something so amazing for 5 years and to be there for the end was truly special. So blessed 2 have worked with such amazing people.”

Jason Tam (ex-Markko): “Going over my lines for tomorrow [Friday]. So proud to have been a part of OLTL and can’t wait to be in the studio one last time.”

Eddie Alderson (Matthew): “Tomorrow [Friday] is my last day of filming of #OLTL..this is going to be one of the hardest days I’ve ever had. So thankful for all the years though. Wow..thank you so much everyone! You all have been more than amazing to my family over the years, we appreciate you all and will forever! ‘Don’t be sad it’s over, smile because it happened.’ That was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go upsetting. Every new beginning comes from another beginnings end. Wrap party time. Let’s go. After party bitchezzz. Well I guess you could say we went out with a bang.”

Bree Williamson (Jessica): “Today last day….. Tomorrow first day. Thanks so much for all of your thoughtful tweets!! They mean so so much. Jerry verDorn [Clint] told me he loved me today during taping and I lost it. To all the fans outside, thank you for your support! I am so sorry I had to run. I was trying to get home to be a mom before party time. Ouch……. Dear new York, thank you for giving me perfect days like these before I have to leave you.”

Melissa Archer (Natalie): “I just want to take a moment to thank all of you. Your support means so much. 10 wonderful years!! When one door closes another opens…”

Lenny Platt (Nate): “Last day heading into #OLTL. I’m grateful to have learned so much in my short tenure. Honor to have been part of it. Thanks to the fans. At least now i can keep my shirt on and don’t have to spend 2 hours in the makeup chair getting my extra nipples covered… So much change today. Also Regis‘s [Philbin] last day. Now where am I gonna go to get a lovable little man yelling at me 1st thing in the morning?”

Hillary B. Smith (Nora): “My emotions are over flowing!!! This is getting really sad. It’s our last few days of taping on ABC. We will be together again!! Hard to know when you have a cold if your eyes are running because you are sick or you are sad! I m here 4 my last tape day on OLTL for ABC. Last night we wewre told that we must remove all of our belongings from the dressing rooms. I have all this fan memoribilia, pictures of me with the bo and Nora Fans, jello shot girls, animals, cast mates, presents from fans. How? I love you all, you crazy people!!! You have kept me sane. Is it possible for insanity to bring clarity? thank you for 20 years of YOU! All I ask is that you watch us to the end. There is really good stuff. And then you can turn your sets off or turn the channel. Hey! Good Morning my tweets! It is Saturday morning and I am officially unemployed! Wow! Had a gr8 send off last night! Danced like a fool with my peeps. Cried like a fool, but laughed as well! Great party! You must keep watching OLTL. fantastic all the way thru to end! So good! Nora is not gone, she is out in the yard gardening… Okay ordering the gardner around. I can’t bear the idea that she might b gone. someone has to water the plants on the roof garden. Oh yea…. There is a huge roof garden.”

Shenell Edmonds (Destiny): “Tomorrow [Friday] is my last day on OLTL with the most amazing cast and crew I have ever worked with! I am so grateful the time I have had with them! Wow. I just started crying, realizing that this is my last day of taping until I move on w/ #PP . I really didnt think it would be this hard. thank u guys for the amazing support u have given, not just me but the entire show. U guy are awesome an we will never forget. Omg. Emotions r running high today. So happy an grateful to hav the opportunity to be part of this family!!!”

Farah Fath (Gigi/Stacy): “Sitting in my dressing room on my last day at #OLTL 3 more scenes & thats a wrap! Feeling so very thankful for the time I’ve had here. First scene I ever taped on #OLTL was w/ the queen Erika Slezak [Viki]. Last scene I will ever tape was w/ Erika Slezak. To my fans: From the bottom of my heart, thank you SO much for your support over the years. My 12 years on daytime is because of you all.”

Crystal Hunt (ex-Stacy): “Don’t know if anyone’s popping by the OLTL wrap party tomorrow [Friday], if so, see u there. Btw the wrap party is at Capital, not the studio. Last night was sad but sooo much fun!”

Kassie DePaiva (Blair): “This has been a sad day. I’m truly grateful 4 this awesome journey. I’ve had an amazing time in Llanview….& really hate 2 see it end. But it was great and my life is better because of the lives that have touched mine. Thank you OLTL/Blair fans for 18 years of goodness. It’s because of you that it has lasted this long. Until we meet again… Xoxo”

Andrew Trischitta (Jack): “Thanks to all those fans waiting outside the studio! I could never have done that it was freezing. greeted the fans outside the studio. Starting up the after party.. This is gonna be a long night. What am I going to do now that we stopped filming? Kelly [Missal, Dani] cause I miss you so much I just won’t be able to survive. Haha in a few pictures of me from the wrap party, my tie was obnoxiously long.. Because little Patrick [Gibbons Jr.] (Sam) was pulling it, I didn’t know. not that many cried there. But it was very sad.”

Kelley Missal (Dani): “thank you to all the fans for your incredible support and dedication to #OLTL!!! you mean the world.”

Nick Choksi (Vimal): “Incidentally, today [Thursday] is also my last day of filming! That’s a wrap! Thanks, OLTL, for a fantastic time and a hell of a year! The last day of taping is Friday, we’re all closing out. Today is just my last round, my last dance with the disco king! Thanks, everyone! Clarification: I’ll still be in episodes between now and the big Finale on Jan 13. The taping of it all is finished, they shot the last scenes yesterday and I taped my last scenes on Wednesday! there’s about 10 more episodes of OLTL that I am in between now and the 13th of Jan when it all come to a close. thanks for the good wishes. Happy Thanksgiving, America!”

Shenaz Treasury (Rama): “And it’s a wrap for OLTL. Just walked out of the ABC Studios for the last time [Thursday]. Emotional day for everyone on the show. I was just there a little over a year and I’m a weepy mess. Think about all the people who have been with it for 30 years! So grateful to have been part of such a wonderful team. Thank you for being my family in New York!”

Robin Strasser (ex-Dorian): “Fans couldn’t save AMC/OLTL but they FOUGHT back hard-Taking action-they created a shift in a mis-conceived plan. With LOVE-it’s never over. My heart feels this IS Black-est Friday. My mind-confused by rumors about Prospect Park. My spirit is proud of being part of OLTL’s history. Saw promo 4 a Charity Event-Chicago on LAST OLTL airing ABC Daytime. Zoicks! OMG! Last show is going to be 1/13. YO? that’s Friday the 13th!”

Gina Tognoni (ex-Kelly): “Going to the One Life Wrap Party / follow the show y”all Xx. Today last day of taping for entire One Life cast and crew. Today the last day of taping One Life.The amazing cast and crew god bless / great things ahead for ALL in the new year no doubt!! Going to the wrap party 4 sure.”

David A. Gregory (Ford): “Heading to the studio for the last day of OLTL. Thank you all so much for your support; it means the world. I was only supposed to be around a few episodes and you turned it into a few years. Thank you guys!” Gregory also posted this video thank you to his fans on Facebook.

Mark Lawson (Brody): “Studying for Brody’s last scenes for ABC. I can’t believe it’s here. The last three and a half years have flown by. I’ve learned so much and am so thankful for all the people I’ve been privilaged to work with. Above all, I’m overwhelmed by the support of the fans. Your love of the show, of Brody, and of me as an actor have made this ride worth it. Thank you.”

Carolina Bermudez (Blanca): “Sitting in my makeup chair for the last time [Thursday] at One Life to Live & it’s creator Agnes Nixon is sitting next to me… I’ll never forget this. Headed to the #OLTL wrap party to get my drink on!”

Tonja Walker (Alex): “Fun last night…Fun last night…me Ilene and JimmyIlene [Kristen] and Jimmy [DePaiva].”

Catherine Hickland (ex-Lindsay): “Good morning, Kittens! Today belongs to #OLTL. Sending love to cast, crew, fans & all who supported the show throughout the years! BIG love To all of my brothers and sisters at OLTL. God Speed to the new and improved. Blessings on each cast&crew member. TY Frank V 4all.”

Fiona Hutchison (ex-Gabrielle): “Saying Goodbye. Goodbye One life to Live… We’ll miss you on the network… saying goodbye to One Life to Live on the ABC Network… as well as so much of daytime these past few years.”

January LaVoy (ex-Noelle): “To my friends and colleagues at One Life to Live…all the best. 44 endlessly entertaining years! From my grandmother’s knee to Paris, Texas, I was so fortunate to be a part of that family. Love and congratulations to everyone.”

Thom Christopher (ex-Carlo): “To everyone at “One Life To Live” let it be said that every individual involved in this show, both past and present, have added themselves to the collective memory of millions of viewers. The decades of this show and its’ success speak a million words of praise to everyones creative labor…how proud I am to have been one of its’ laborers. I join in the sadness to see it go dark but look at the greatlight it leaves love to all and the thanks for the journey.” And from “OLTL” Director Bruce S. Cooperman, “Hi Thom- you were definitely a part of my happy memories at OLTL. I will never forget the great times we had!! All the best to you and Judy. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!”

Nafessa Williams (ex-Deanna): “OLTL memories. I hear it’s lots of #OLTL supporters outside the studio. Sending my love to everybody from LA;) xoxo.”

Tika Sumpter (ex-Layla): “Goodbye #OLTL , it was nice meeting you and being apart of your T.V. history.”

Erin Torpey (ex-Jessica): “Thinking about my OLTL family today. Love you all.”

Crystal Chappell (ex-Maggie): “I miss One Life already. What a wonderful show! Thinking of everyone there. Enjoy the party tonight! Will toast in your honor.”

Terrell Tilford (ex-Greg): “To All of My ONE LIFE TO LIVE past-castmates, the crew and the entire awesome production team, Congratulations on your great job… Today may be the last day of THIS, but I look forward to the first day of 2.0 for all of you! Keep it movin’!!!”

Paul S. Glass (“OLTL” Music Director): “Thanks so much..I really appreciate it! I’m so proud of all we’ve done & hope to have the chance of doing even more! Can’t say enough about the people in that studio. Great friends, incredible talents and even better people. one family. We did things that people thought we were crazy for even trying and things that were impossible…year after year! So fortunate to have EPs (especially Frank [Valentini]! ) that always wanted to push the music to the limits! Their support made everything possible. Have had such great material and performances to work with! Thanks & thanks 4 you all your support! Nothing like the feeling of putting music 2 video & having it all come together! I still have 26 shows to do before the end of ABC run in January.”

Julia Davis (“OLTL” Make-Up Artist): “Good morning! Headed to Llanview. Today will always be remembered. So many wonderful memories… As we turn the pages of time, we discover hidden mysteries and triumphs in each new chapter. Wow! So many Fans outside. And its officially a Good Night & Good bye to Llanview.”

Bruce S. Cooperman (long-time “OLTL” Director): “This is a sad day in television history. No, not for Regis, who will take his millions and walk away into the sunset, but for all the hard working people at One Life to Live. After spending 30 years working on the show, I made some great friendships along the way. Even though I was tossed out after all that time, I too, would like to say what a great way to spend most of my adult life and I wouldn’t change it for the world. There are only some people that I wish nothing but the best in the future and for the others….well I don’t want to sound bitter but ….. As Bob Hope said, ‘Thanks for the memories.'”

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