CastingComings & GoingsNews

Tina Returns to Llanview…And Her Little Dog, Too

Three years after her character uttered the words "Goodbye Llanview, I'm gonna miss you ... but you have not seen the last of Tina Lord Roberts, that I promise you," Andrea Evans returns to "One Life to Live" as Tina attempts to reconcile with her estranged family. However, it isn't exactly love of family that brings Tina back home.

( — Three years after her character uttered the words “Goodbye Llanview, I’m gonna miss you … but you have not seen the last of Tina Lord Roberts, that I promise you,” Andrea Evans returns to “One Life to Live” as Tina attempts to reconcile with her estranged family. However, it isn’t exactly love of family that brings Tina back home.

On Monday, September 26 look for Tina, along with her beloved canine companion David Vickers (presumably still played by Tallulah Bean), to travel back to Llanview, where she arrives just as the estate of her deceased, long-lost brother Victor Lord, Jr. (Trevor St. John) is being settled.

Once back in town, she is reunited with fellow siblings Viki (Erika Slezak) and Todd (Roger Howarth), along with a few other family members. Unfortunately for Tina, however, things don’t go quite as expected for the Lord heiress, who has has a run of bad luck. As for doggie David Vickers, look for him to make an important discovery, which could place several lives in jeopardy, including his own.

But how will Tina take the news, and just how will she react upon learning that her late mother Irene (Barbara Rhoades) is still very much alive? And with Cord (John Loprieno) also returning, will the old flames rekindle their relationship?  Tune in to find out!

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