
AMC Recap: Thursday, September 22, 2011

"All My Children" Episode Recap - Thursday, September 22, 2011.

( — “All My Children” Episode Recap – Thursday, September 22, 2011.


Stuart flatlines. David’s attempts to revive Stuart fail. Brooke fears that Adam can’t survive losing Stuart again. Angie pulls David aside and asserts that Stuart needs a miracle of fate, not of medicine, and implores Adam to talk from his heart to his brother. Adam tells Stuart how much he needs him as we see flashbacks of their unbreakable bond. Stuart wakes up and the brothers are reunited. Scott and Stuart have an emotional reunion. Marian learns Stuart is back. Adam looks on lovingly at his brother.

JR appears to say final goodbyes to Dixie and AJ. Dixie calls for JR after Tad calls her with news about Stuart. JR walks away from his mother’s call and is clearly headed for trouble.

Cara fills Tad in on the latest developments in her life. Tad shuts down Cara’s speech about how wonderful David is with some simple facts. Seeing how happy she is, he does ultimately support her decision about the pregnancy. David and Cara have a warm encounter before Jesse takes him back to the station.

Tad questions Griffin about David’s other patient and explains what Dixie remembered from her time at the facility. Griffin tells Tad there was only one patient at the facility, Stuart.

Greenlee, Ryan, Marissa and Bianca surprise Zach and Kendall. They’ve planned a romantic trip for the reunited pair to New York City, sans the children. Zach and Kendall look forward to spending some time alone.

Erica tells Jackson their life together is going to have to be further postponed as her priority is bringing he life-story to the big-screen. Jackson tells Erica he’s done dealing with her and her priorities. Erica arrives at Kendall’s to complain about Jackson’s lack of understanding. She gets agitated when Bianca and Kendall make it clear they see Jackson’s point. Kendall tells Erica that she doesn’t want her to give up anything she wants but she needs to be honest with herself about the choices she’s making and why she’s making those choices. Later, Zach tells Erica he respects that she’s always done what she’s wanted to do and he doesn’t think she needs to change.

Ryan and Greenlee bask in the sunshine as they reflect on the past and look forward to the future. Ryan surprises Greenlee with tickets to the circus.

On the Next All My Children

  • Don’t miss “All My Children’s” final broadcast on the ABC Television Network.

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