
So What’s Happening on Thursday’s ‘One Life to Live?’

Is there something special happening on this coming Thursday's episode (August 25) of "One Life to Live?" We're wondering because whatever was supposed to happen got changed and now everything about the episode is being kept tight lipped by the network. Other than it being Robin Strasser's last airdate as Dorian Lord and a big storyline about to kick off with some interesting (that's saying it lightly) twists, we just can't imagine what could actually be happening in the episode that would make it such a big secret.
Disney/ABC Television Group

( — Is there something special happening on this coming Thursday’s episode (August 25) of “One Life to Live?” We’re wondering because whatever was supposed to happen got changed and now everything about the episode is being kept tight lipped by the network. Other than it being Robin Strasser‘s second to last day as Dorian Lord and a big storyline about to kick off with some interesting (that’s saying it lightly) twists, we just can’t imagine what could actually be happening in the episode that would make it such a big secret.

What we can tell you is the episode kicks off a string of daily cliffhangers and the Tale isn’t over and is only just beginning!

Are you as curious as we are? Maybe we should all just tune into the episode and find out!? What do you think will happen?

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