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‘One Life to Live’ Casting Updates

The "One Life to Live" revolving door will stay busy during the month of September as several new and familiar faces make their presence known in Llanview.
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( — The “One Life to Live” revolving door will stay busy during the month of September as several new and familiar faces make their presence known in Llanview.

As we previously reported, “Guiding Light” alum Wendy Moniz has been tapped to take over as Llanview’s new mayor following the resignation of Dorian Lord (Robin Strasser), who left town after being appointed a U.S. Senator. On Friday, September 16, look for the former deputy mayor to start exercising her newfound authority around town.

With visions of Gigi (Farah Fath) still fresh on Rex’s (John-Paul Lavoisier) mind, Lea DeLaria again reprises her role as Llanview’s favorite physic Madame Delphina beginning Wednesday, September 14, when she tries to help Rex make sense of what he has been seeing. However, Rex isn’t the only Balsom Delphina will come into contact with.

Apparently porn doesn’t pay the bills. As the calendar turns to September look for X-rated film producer Rick Powers (Austin Peck) to resurface following his attempt to make a name for himself by substituting the film “VickerMan” with his own creation “Hold the Diploma” in late July. Only this time it isn’t smut that he’s peddling. As Rick branches out career-wise, expect him to get tangled up in another storyline playing out on the canvas.

After going MIA since saving his Aunt Dorian while dressed as a pint-sized Spiderman, the youngest Manning child Sam (Patrick Gibbons, Jr.) returns again this month. But how will the recent developments in his family affect the little guy?

Barbara Rhoades will continue to air as Irene Manning through the month of September.

It appears as if Mandy Evans, who made her debut as “Uncanny Annie,” a pole dancer at the Spotted Pony strip club in Kentucky on August 19, may be making another appearance on the show. Evans, who taped her first scenes on July 11, posted the following on her website on August 8: “Recurring Under 5 as Uncanny Annie on One Life To Live.”

Paul Rolfes returns as Dr. Jay Gangemi on Wednesday, August 31, along with a few dayplayer nurses, EMTS, and cops. In the same episode, Helmar Augustus Cooper is back as homeless man Louie, who interacts with several Llanview residents. And on the same date, Frankie Faison also airs again as Destiny’s grandad Richard Evans.

Rumors continue to swirl that Terrell Tilford will be returning to Llanview as Destiny’s (Shenell Edmonds) dad and Shaun (Sean Ringgold) brother Greg Evans this fall. Tilford himself has added to the speculation with this video message to his former “OLTL” fans on his Facebook fan page, teasing about a possible return to the show. However, while it remains to be seen if the actor is actually returning or not, Greg’s name will be mentioned more than once by his loved ones in the coming weeks.

Edmonds tweeted on August 24 that it was a “Good day at #OLTL, one day break and back again to close out the week.” Also be sure to check out her Twitter page to read her earlier tweets from some of Destiny’s scenes from the August 5 episode.

Check out this tweet from Hillary B. Smith from earlier this month: “I would love to do ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ But ABC doesn’t promote us on ‘OLTL.'” She also responds to a fan who asked her on August 22, “Yet, you all are the number one rated soap on their schedule! Word!,” with “we sure are!!! Not their plan! But aren’t we grand!!!” Earlier in the month she commented on slap Phylicia gave Nora recently, saying “The slap was acted. I don’t think my head would have stayed attached if Tonye [Phylicia Evans] connected. She was awesome!”

Robin Strasser  tweeted on August 30 that “GROUND TURKEY E COLI RECALL? didn’t know- ate turkey burgers with gusto. SICK unto death-gotta get better help.Thank you for prayers.” On August 26 she tweeted that “Yes, I was able to watch the ‘last show”. I LUV Erika Slezak, Kassie DePaiva, Kristen Alderson, Gina Tognoni. I’ll miss working with them. Soap Central really cheered me UP. I’m in hospital- 2nd time in 2 weeks for a blood infection (wuh?) Hoping for meds I’m not allergic to.”

A fan commented to Kristen Alderson on Twitter on August 30, saying “LOVED when Starr said Brown Chicken Brown Cow today!tweeting”I added that in cause Kassie always says it hahah.”

And speaking of Shaun, fans can expect to see more of him in September, along with a few of Llanview’s other infrequently used supporting characters like Nigel (Peter Bartlett), Shane (Austin Williams), Echo (Kim Zimmer), Phylicia (Tonye Patano), Roxy (Ilene Kristen), and a certain prized possession of the eccentric hairdresser.

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