
Kristen Alderson Makes Music for ‘One Life to Live’

If you watched yesterday's (August 30) episode of "One Life to Live" you likely heard Kristen Alderson's (Starr) singing during the montage at the end of the episode where Victor Lord, Jr. (Trevor St. John) was gunned down by an unknown assailant. And if you liked the song you are in luck, it will soon be available for fans to download.
Donna Svennevik/ABC

( — If you watched yesterday’s (August 30) episode of “One Life to Live” you likely heard Kristen Alderson‘s (Starr) singing during the montage at the end of the episode where Victor Lord, Jr. (Trevor St. John) was gunned down by an unknown assailant. And if you liked the song you are in luck, it will soon be available for fans to download.

The catchy tune, which includes the show’s name as part of the lyrics, was recently recorded at the “OLTL” studios by Alderson on August 4, after it was “written” by her character Starr and her soon-to-be former co-star Barret Helms (Baz).

Alderson thanked her fans for their support following the episode, tweeting, “I’m so glad everyone liked Starr’s ‘One Life To Live’ song that aired today! All of your compliments mean the world. <3” She went on to say that the show’s Music Director Paul S. Glass “is working on getting the song available for download for you guys asap. xoxoxo”

The actress also complimented Glass on the song, tweeting “Thank you @oltlmusic !! You and Dave are the BEST. The song fit so perfectly with the episode. =)” Glass responded in kind saying “Thanks! I loved how it worked out and so glad at the response! You were awesome!”

This was not the first time music from “One Life to Live” has been made commercially available for fans.  Back on Valentine’s Day, “The Sound of a Kiss” is the third “OLTL” album to be released on iTunes, and featured songs performed by Alderson and several of her “OLTL” co-stars. The show released “Prom Night: The Musical” in 2007 and “Starr X’d Lovers: The Musical” in 2010. “One Life to Live” also released the CD “One Life, Many Voices” to help with Hurricane Katrina and Rita clean-up efforts in 2006. And different songs by various artists featured in past episodes have also been made available by “OLTL” on iTunes.

In case you missed the part of Tuesday’s episode featuring the song, you can watch it here starting at the six minute mark.

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