
Brandon Buddy Takes to Twitter Seeking a Return to ‘One Life to Live’

Brandon Buddy, who left "One Life to Live" in November 2010 shortly after a hacking controversy on Twitter, is now using the social network service again by seeking assistance from fans of Starr (Kristen Alderson) and Cole (Buddy) to get him back on the show.
Heidi Gutman/ABC

( — Brandon Buddy, who left “One Life to Live” in November 2010 shortly after a hacking controversy on Twitter, is now using the social network service again by seeking assistance from fans of Starr (Kristen Alderson) and Cole (Buddy) to get him back on the show.

You’ll recall it was last summer when the actor claimed his twitter account was hacked (revealing that fact nearly a week after the reported hacking took place) and he wasn’t leaving “One Life to Live” (even though he did anyway). Although this time no claims of a hacking have been reported, the actor is asking fans to help him return to the soap as it winds down so that he can “finish what I started.”

According to Buddy’s postings, which began on August 8, he states “I want/need everyone to send in your love for cole! I’m tired of sitting around. Get me back on the the show so I can finish what I started. I love my fans/friends let’s go!!! No more f**ging around!!!!!!!!! Ok!!! Let me think! I hope I don’t get in trouble for this! …..standby! : )”

The postings continued on August 9, when he said “I want starr and my hope back! My peeps are the best so let’s make it happen!!! Idk! Ill find out but it has to happen. Abc!!! Let’s go! I’m ready! So are the fans! Now I’m not sure what’s going to happen with the whole oltl thing because I guess its a lot more complicated then we think so…. But I still feel really strong about finishing what I started and get my girls back : ) I guess we just wait and see…”

Buddy previously stated back in April mere hours before the soap was canceled by ABC that he’d “love to come back.”

What do you think? Should Buddy return before “One Life to Live” signs off? What about Starr’s newfound relationship with James Ford (Nic Robuck)?

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