
‘One Life to Live’ August Casting Updates

Llanview loses a Todd, Dorian moves on to a higher calling, Kelly makes her next move, and other casting changes for the month of August.

( — Llanview loses a Todd, Dorian moves on to a higher calling, Kelly makes her next move, and other casting changes for the month of August.

As we previously reported, Trevor St. John (Todd) revealed on his website in June that he would be leaving “One Life to Live” when his current contract ends this summer. We now know his final tape date, which, according to Soap Opera Digest was last Friday (July 22). SOD also reports that St. John treated his fellow cast and crew mates to a catered breakfast, lunch, and snacks on set, and his onscreen daughter Kristen Alderson (Starr) tweeted that she had received “Gorgeous ‘thank you’ flowers from Trevor St. John… Going to MISS him around the studio. Love, love, love him.” Just a few days earlier she also commented that “Trevor made us laugh, laugh, & laugh today!”

According to reports “OLTL” has ripped a page from the headlines to help give Robin Strasser (Dorian) a proper sendoff. Apparently, Mayor Lord will be receiving an offer too good to pass up in the coming weeks when she is called to serve as a Senator after her predecessor is ousted as a result of a scandal that is eerily similar to that of real-life former Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York. Strasser, who last airs on Thursday, August 25, is reportedly leaving “One Life” as a result of back problems.

August also marks a new chapter in the life of another Cramer girl as Dorian’s niece Kelly (Gina Tognoni), who just recently reunited with her old beau Joey Buchanan (Tom Degnan), makes a decision about her future on Wednesday, August 17.

And, just because James (Nic Robuck) hasn’t been seen lately, don’t look for him to be leaving Llanview anytime soon. In fact, look for he and Starr to grow closer in the coming weeks.

In other news…

Meena Nerurkar and Harsh Nayyar play Vimal’s  (Nick Choksi) parents from India.

Helmar Augustus Cooper portrayed Louie, the man who pulled the man with the scar (Roger Howarth) out of the Llantano River last Friday.

Austin Peck is still taping scenes as the sleazy porn producer Rick Powers.

Carlos Gonzalez appeared again as Officer Garcia back on Tuesday, July 19.

Look for some courtroom scenes coming up next month as Clint (Jerry verDorn) prepares to face the music for the crimes he recently confessed to. The scenes will also feature a dayplayer judge and Clint’s attorney, however, it is unclear at this time if the Buchanan patriarch hires Morgan Guthrie (Tom Zeman) to represent him, or if he gets someone else.

Kristen Alderson tweeted this picture of herself in her Starr clothes as she prepared to tape scenes on July 19 along with the tweet “All dressed and ready for Llanview! Have a great day everyone!” Later she commented that it was “Nap Time in Llanview. So Cozy..” So keep a watch out in the coming week’s for Starr’s green dress.

Is Barret Helms (Baz) not long for Llanview? Last Saturday he tweeted a fan that “It’s gonna be a while til I work again.” And on June 21 he tweeted that he had “Just finished one of the craziest 13 week periods of my life!!” It should be noted that Helms was cast on April 14, the day ABC cancelled “One Life to Live” and “All My Children.”

David A. Gregory (Ford) has also been MIA from the studios lately. The actor commented on Facebook on July 17 that “I haven’t been in to the studio this month. Going back in soon.”

Check out these adorable pictures of Andrew Trischitta (Jack) hanging out at the “OLTL” studios last week with his onscreen little brother Patrick Gibbons, Jr. (Sam). And here’s a picture of the plaque outside Trischitta’s dressing room which also lists his “roommates” Eddie Alderson (Matthew) and David A. Gregory.

And “OLTL’s” Music Director Paul S. Glass, responds to a question from a fan asking about the name of the song played in the closing montage of the June 11, 2008 episode (where Adriana left Rex for Paris), by tweeting that it was “CARMEN RIZZO ‘Next Life,’ featuring Thomas Hanreich.”

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