
‘One Life’ Mid-July Casting Notes

"One Life to Live" releases a new audition script for the contract role of "Lily" and other casting odd and ends and behind-the-scenes summer tidbits.
Disney/ABC Television Group

( — “One Life to Live” releases a new audition script for the contract role of “Lily” and other casting odd and ends and behind-the-scenes summer tidbits.

The scene opens with “Lily” and “Josh” at odds. He asks for an answer to the deal he proposed to her earlier. Angry, she reminds him that all he did was leave her with a lot of settlement ideas which favored his client, and tells him to go to hell. Josh responds that he would really like for them to work together on this. When she asks him why, he claims it is because they both like to win and make money. Turned off by his answer, he reminds him that he is already rich, so he doesn’t need more money. Josh fires back that he spends most of his time thinking about winning and her. Lily informs him that she is not settling the case or siding with him. As the scene ends, Lily tells Josh she has never noticed him flirting with her, and that she doesn’t even really care for him. However, Josh refuses to give up easily and tells her that she, like him, is an acquired test, and takes some time to warm up to. Remember that with these audition scripts, the show frequently changes character names to try and throw off viewers.

Look for a couple of seldom used recurring characters and actors to appear again soon:

Saundra Santiago (Carlotta) noted on Facebook on July 14 that she “Ran into Whoopi @ the ABC Studios today while shooting some scenes on ‘One Life.’ Like, I literally almost ran into her, and she was so cool. I love people from the Bronx!”

And, according to a fan who has his picture taken with several “One Life” cast members outside the studios last week, Patricia Elliott (Renee) was on the set taping scenes recently. The fan noted that “Patricia was unfortunately only at the studio to get her haircut. But, she did say that she filmed scenes with Bo last week. So hopefully we’ll see her in the upcoming weeks.” Click here to read more of his comments on meeting the stars of “One Life to Live.”

In other news…

Click here and here to see some pictures from last Friday’s “One Life to Live” 43rd Anniversary Block Party. You can also see some here.

Remember the “Nurse Judy” audition script that was released late last month? Well one of the characters mentioned in it was Dr. Lawless, who was first seen last week in scenes with Bo and Nora when he told the devastated parents that Matthew would need to be relocated to a medical facility better equipped to handle his condition. The character is played by Nathan Hinton.

Expect to see more of Mr. Baker (Jonathan Earl Peck) in the coming weeks as the ‘Tale of Two Todds’ storyline begins to heat up.

Shenaz Treasuryvala (Rama) writes on Facebook that “For all those in New York- Monday, 18th July at the AMC theatre on 42nd street at 7:30; I’m going with a lot of people from ‘OLTL’ to watch ‘DELHI BELLY’ (my latest film) in the theatre and would love to see you there.” Click here to buy your tickets.

Carlos Gonzalez, who recently played Officer Garcia, posted this picture of himself on Facebook on June 8 reading over a script before taping more scenes.

Kristen Alderson (Starr) tweeted last Thursday that “I can’t even tell you how many times we had to film the last two group scenes on today’s episode that aired.We laughed SO HARD..” The scenes to which is referring to were the ones involving Sam’s Spiderman-themed birthday party. On July 10 she tweeted that “We’re taping a little out of order but we’ve already filmed scenes that’ll air at the end of August.”

Lenny Platt (Nate) tells a fan who asks him about his character’s recent porn storyline by tweeting that “There’s (imo) a big comedic payoff. Stay tuned. Nate will keep doing what he does best: getting himself into trouble…” He also gives fans a link to a site to help them come up with their own porn name.

It doesn’t appear as if Barrett Helms (Baz) may be taping a headshot for the show’s opening sequence, despite the fact that he is on contract with “OLTL.” The same looks to be true of Andrew Trischitta (Jack) was well, who admits he hasn’t taped anything for the opening yet either.

Always the comedian, Bree Williamson (Jessica) talks about Jess’ bitch slap of Natalie last week saying that “About Jessica’s punch: A) Lover not a fighter. B) The only punch I’d ever give MA [Melissa Archer] has rum in it and C) I practiced on my hubby for days!”

Nick Choksi (Vimal) continues to give fans a chuckle with his latest Facebook posts (from the past several weeks) regarding his character’s onscreen antics. Click here to check them out.

“OLTL” Music Director Paul S. Glass is asking his fellow soap fans to help out singer Rachael Yamagata‘s (who appeared on the show in 2009) new project. Click here to see how you can help. He also says that “Her song ‘I’ll Find a Way’ which I used for the montage when Jenn died still haunts me! She is amazing!”

Michael Eilbaum will be credited as the director of the August 11 and 12 episodes of “OLTL.”

Gaby Leyner played Head Cheerleader Hayley, the girl with Jack and Brad, when they lured Gigi (mistakenly thinking it was Shane) to an abandoned old house on June 13 (She also appeared on March 31 and April 1). On July 12 she tweeted that “Still can’t believe I was involved in the killing of Gigi Morasco!”

Austin Peck (Rick) posted this cartoon of Kim Zimmer (Echo) from his “OLTL” dressing room wall, on his Twitter page, and this photo of some fans outside the show’s studios in honor of “One Life’s” 43rd anniversary last Friday. Peck also made several other interesting tweets recently including “Stay the f— out of my way. It’s pizza day on set!!” (on July 13), “On set ‘OLTL.’ Finished my set, now watching Aubrey (Terri Conn) and Cutter (Josh Kelly), minuteman hotel.” (on July 12), and “Going to work early tomorrow. Yaahn!!” (on July 11). And on July 8 he tweeted to Kristen Alderson (Starr) that he was “looking forward to next week…moohaha!!!”

And “OLTL” Make up artist Julia Davis tweeted on July that she was “Back to Llanview. Happy Tuesday! Humming Ledisi ‘Alright’ on set. Love this song.”

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