
AMC Recap: Tuesday, July 12, 2011

AMC Recap: Tuesday, July 12, 2011

( — “All My Children” Episode Recap – Tuesday, July 12, 2011.


JR dreams about a wedding night with Marissa and when he awakes he shares it with her. Marissa questions if Bianca scripted that for him too. She wants to know how much Bianca helped him. Marissa says he used Bianca and Scott was right, he is as bad as Adam. She wonders if there’s anything else he’s keeping from her. Marissa admits to Scott she doesn’t blame Bianca or JR but herself for being scared and taking JR back. JR finds his cousin comforting Marissa and thinks it’s a classic Chandler move. Scott surprises him by saying that he’s not like Stuart and JR isn’t half as bad as Adam. Adam would be disappointed in JR and Scott rubs it in that JR doesn’t own the mansion and that he’s just a tenant. All the stress leads JR to go and buy a bottle of alcohol. He stares at it until AJ shows up and says he’s so happy he and Marissa are back together. JR dumps the booze in an urn. Bianca drops off to Scott a picture Stuart had given to her. As he’s about to go and get Marissa, Bianca says they need their distance. She admits playing Cyrano for JR and Scott’s upset JR used her. Bianca says she did it because she thought she could bring out the best in him and Scott hopes Marissa has seen there is no good in JR. JR asks Bianca why she told Marissa she was behind everything. Bianca tells him to stop thinking he’s the answer to Marissa’s prayers and hopes when Marissa finds the right person she knows and trusts it. JR thinks Bianca’s referring to Scott. Marissa finds Bianca in the park and says she misses her and that her better judgment is telling her to run from JR. Marissa takes Bianca’s face in her hands and kisses her.

Kathy wakes Tad from his dream about Dixie to ask if Cara’s mad at him since he slept on the couch. Tad says he and Cara are taking a time out. Tad tells Cara he will keep her safe and stay married to her. She apologizes for using the word “grateful” because he means so much more to her. As Cara prepares Kathy for school, Kathy shows her a picture of her mom, Dixie. Tad looks at a picture of him and Cara and then one of Dixie. In talking to Opal, Tad realizes he wanted Cara’s gratitude but he never wanted that from Dixie. At the hospital, Jake and Tad share their feelings about their respective relationships and Jake is glad that Tad is the kind of guy he wants Cara to be with. He hopes Tad doesn’t let his past keep him from appreciating what he has. Jake talks to Cara and says if Tad makes her happy then she should go for it. Dixie tosses and turns as she starts to come out of her sleep all while saying Tad’s name.

Amanda has a nightmare in which her family is all around her and JR enters, saying they are all diseased. Jake tries to calm her down when she wakes up. Amanda hurries out while Jake’s in the shower and he goes to the hospital looking for her. Opal sees Amanda at Krystal’s and Amanda admits she had a one night stand but doesn’t say with whom. Alone in the park, Amanda’s hearing voices of Cara telling her she has an STD and Jake saying she’s having a bad dream. When Jake shows up she tells him she has an STD.

On the Next All My Children…

  • Marissa acts on an impulse.
  • Bianca asks Kendall for some advice on love.
  • Griffin lies to Ryan.


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