
B&B Recap: Wednesday, June 15, 2011

B&B Recap: Wednesday, June 15, 2011

( — "The Bold and the Beautiful" Episode Recap  — Wednesday, June 15, 2011.


Liam tells Bill that he wants to take Hope away somewhere before their lives change forever. Bill offered Liam use of his plane. Liam got excited. Bill told him that his life is going to change when the baby arrives, but his relationship with Hope doesn't have to. "You two have something special, you'll make it work." he said.

At home, Hope told Brooke that she hates how much she's beating herself up. Talk shifted over to the complications going on in Hope's life. They talked about Liam and Amber. Brooke told Hope that once the baby arries, Amber and her mother are going to be a constant in her life. Hope said she knew that and added that it's impossible for her to stop loving Liam. "When he is away from me, I feel like a part of me is missing." Hope said. Brooke said she wished the circumstances were different. Hope confided that there was a part of her that still wished the baby wasn't Liam's. She's still bitter about Amber slithering her way into their lives. "She pulled all the strings and now she's getting exactly what she wanted." she said. Liam stopped by. He told Hope that he wanted to fly away with her for a couple of days. Brooke encouraged her to go and said she'd be ok. Hope got excited and her and Liam left. Later, Oliver stopped by Brooke's house. Brooke told him that Hope wasn't home. Oliver told Brooke that he came to talk to her. He gave his condolences to her about Ridge. Oliver wondered how things were going with Hope and Liam. He said he wished she'd get over him. "I don't think that's going to happen." Brooke told him. Oliver said he feels that Hope deserves a better life then what she's going to have with Liam. He said he knows he can make her happy and asked Brooke to put in a good word for him.

On the plane, Hope wondered where her and Liam were headed. Liam said it was a secret. The pilot came out and told Liam they were working on a flight plan and that it would be a while before they land in Cabo San Lucas. Hope was excited. "This is a trip we are going to remember forever." she said. They kissed.

Later, Justin and Bill discussed business in Bill's office . Marcus stopped by. The men talked about Brooke leaving Forrester and starting a new foundation. They speculated and wondered what caused it all to happen. Talk shifted to Marcus and his time in Paris. Marcus talked about the hard work he did there and all the people he met. Bill joked about all the women he must've met in Paris and asked how hard it must've been to come back to LA. Marcus said there's a lot of good looking people in LA and said he's thinking about getting his own bachelor pad. Bill warned him to be careful who he lets follow him home. Justin asked Marcus once again about changing his last name. Marcus said he loves Eric, but knows Justin is his biological father. He noted how important blood relations are. This caused Bill to complain about Amber and Tawny again. "Blood ties are forever. Now my son is stuck with that tramp and her mother. God help him." Bill said.

Carl isn't sure whether the hair Amber gave him will be enough for another paternity test. Amber urged him to just get to work. Amber did nothing but panic as Carl began the test. She got more alarmed when he said he needed the babys DNA from the original test. "My future is riding on this!" she exclaimed. Amber followed Carl everywhere he went as he worked in the lab. Carl told her it was difficult to work with her hovering around him. Amber insisted on staying. Carl gave her a lab coat to wear. He told Amber he didn't understand her sudden urgency for another test. Amber explained that the baby could be Marcus Forrester's. Carl realized the clear implications this could cause. "Do you see what my problem is? That is why I have to find out what the results are before this baby is born!" Amber told him. Carl got back to work. Amber increasingly started to get more irritated and achey. Carl stopped to eat a sandwich. Amber got frustrated and told him to put it down. Suddenly, Amber's water broke!

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