
Y&R Recap: Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Y&R Recap: Tuesday, April 12, 2011

( — "The Young and the Restless" Episode Recap – Tuesday, April 12, 2011.


An excited Lily greets Sofia as she wakes up to get ready for her wedding. Sofia admits that she's a nervous wreck. She gushes how she can't wait to be married to Malcolm. Across town, Neil and Devon are checking up on Malcolm, who is also very nervous about the big day.

Gloria and Chloe are taken to the visitor's area by one of the police officers. The two are annoyed when they see Jana waiting for them. Meanwhile, Billy, who is working on the story about Sharon's escape, received a frantic call from Esther, filling him in about Chloe being in jail.

Kevin meets Heather at Gloworm. He asks her to help him get his mom out of jail for him. Heather finds it sort of amusing. When she tells him that she'll help him, he is thankful, yet hesitant to tell her who else needs her help. When she learns that Chloe is in jail too, she quickly tells Kevin, she won't help her. She admits that the two don't get along, therefore, her helping her out won't work.

Malcolm panics when he can't locate the list he has of everything he needs for the wedding. Devon and Neil laugh at him, but offer to help him out with the list. Over at Lily's, she's helping Sofia with her make-up. The two start talking about her first time modeling and how it was the first time meeting Cane. Sofia tells her that if Lily's unsure about being at wedding because of the church, she and Malcolm can do something else. Lily assures her that today is a special day.

At the jailhouse, Gloria and Chloe are bickering on how Kevin could possibly get someone to represent them. The officer tells them they might not need a lawyer, and explains to a frustrated Jana that since she's not the homeowner of the place that was broken into, charges can't be pressed. Chloe gloats that they could get out; that all changes, however, when Billy walks in, demanding to know what Chloe is up to this time.

After teasing Neil about relishing in his bachelor status, Malcolm comments on how lucky he is to have Sofia in his life. After a few moments of gushing over Sofia, Neil quickly tells him that he's going to check on things at Gloworm. Malcolm asks Neil if he can deliver a bouquet of flowers over to Sofia. Back at her apartment, Lily makes the suggestion to have Neil walk her down the aisle. Sofia quickly rejects that suggestion, stating that it would be to awkward. She then mentions that Tucker will be walking her down the aisle.

Billy demands to know what Chloe and Gloria are up to. Chloe tries to pin their being in lock-up because of Jana's unstableness. Unfortunately for them, Billy listens to Jana's side and has had enough of the likes of the two schemers. He asks if Jana wants to press charges; Jana says while she can't do it because she doesn't own the home, he could. It's at that moment when Kevin walks in with Heather. Chloe instantly balks at her representing them. When Chloe says the wrong thing to Billy, he tells them to lock her up.

Lily offers to give Sofia something 'borrowed'. She leaves to go it, leaving Sofia to answer the door. She's taken aback to see Neil standing on the opposite end with the flowers. He compliments her and hands her the flowers, letting her know they are from Malcolm. Neil wants to say more to her but is interrupted when Lily returns. Lily hands Sofia a beautifully ornamented hair comb that Drucilla had. Stating that she wore it during her wedding to Cane, she wants to pass down the tradition and have Sofia wear it as well. Sofia is touched.

Gloria demands that Chloe take Heather up on her offer to get them out of jail. A stubborn Chloe tells her she's not going to but when Gloria pushes her again, the young woman has no choice but to accept the offer. Back at the apartment garage, Billy enters to find Kevin there. Billy is ready to call the cops on him when Kevin tells him that if he get hauled off to jail, he'll never know exactly what he's found on Jana. Billy suddenly becomes very interested.

After leaving Lily's, Neil is at Gloworm when he sees Leslie. Trying to push his thoughts of Sofia out of his mind, he asks her to be his date for the wedding. After a little of flirting with one another, Leslie accepts his invitation to be his date.

It's time for the wedding and the first to arrive are Sofia and Lily. When Sofia forgets her bouquet, she leaves to go get it, leaving Lily alone at the church steps. As her mind begins to think about the last time she was there, she feels a hand on her shoulder and is relieved to see that it is Daniel. He kindly escorts her inside the church

On the Next The Young and the Restless…

  • Nick and Phyllis share a hotel room.
  • Kevin and Billy think quick when caught by Jana.
  • A police officer pulls a fugitive Sharon over.
  • The Young and the Restless
  • Kristoff St. John
  • Recaps

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