
Llanview Casting Gossip: April 7 Edition

Llanview Casting Gossip: April 7 Edition

( — “One Life to Live” minor casting odds and ends for April and beyond.

Matthew Conlon returns as Paris art gallery owner M. Claude Calmar on Friday, April 22, when he pays Tomas a visit.

John Wesley Shipp appeared in new flashback scenes on Wednesday, April 6, and will again on Tuesday, April 26.

Carolina Bermudez, as we previously reported, will play a reporter named Blanca in five episodes of “OLTL” beginning Monday, April 11.  In a new interview, the radio DJ says that “Working on ‘One Life to Live’ has been such an amazing experience and I can’t wait for everyone to see how I shake things up in Llanview. Working with a cast I’ve admired since I was a little girl is incredibly surreal and I’m so grateful for the opportunity.”  Bermudez’s radio co-host Elvis Duran praised his co-host, saying “Carolina is perfect for a soap opera role, considering she rarely knows the difference between reality and fantasy. Now they can get a dose of her drama queen tendencies.”

Kassie DePaiva (Blair) has weighed in on Roger Howarth‘s return to “One Life,” tweeting that she was “Thrilled Roger Howarth will b back. Between Ted [King], Trevor [St. John], & Roger… 3 amazingly talented actors. Possibilities r endless. Kudos 2 ‘OLTL!'”

David A. Gregory (Ford) informs fans they haven’t seen the last of the Ford brother’s mother Inez Salinger (Jessica Leccia), saying simply that “She’ll be back :).” And he states that, while he isn’t sure of his exact airdates this month, that “[He does] remember April being a busy month for Ford lol.”

Connie Renda will return in the coming weeks as a nurse at Llanview Hospital. Renda last appeared in two episodes in January in scenes with Natalie, John, and Marty, following the birth of Natalie’s baby Liam. “Hello everyone! I shot 2 episodes of One Life to Live! The episodes air January 14th and 17th! Was lots of fun to shoot! Lots of drama as the neonatal nurse,” she wrote on her website back in December. Although her next airdate has not been announced, Renda noted on her website a few weeks ago “‘One Life to Live’ once again! After the last episodes, you’d think the nurse would have been fired! Maybe just reprimanded, because I’m very grateful to be doing another episode as a nurse. Air date TBD… will write more soon.”

John Rochette taped scenes as a Doctor back on January 13.

Speaking of doctors, look for a new one (listed in breakdowns as Dr. Buhari) to debut on Thursday, April 7. While the person cast in the role remains unknown at this time, look for the new recurring doc to share scenes in the coming weeks with several Llanview residents, including Rex, Gigi, Shane, John, and Marty.

Chris Campanioni (aka Chris Cuba) played the male porn star in scenes on Friday, April 1 and Monday, April 4. Also during those same porn scenes, Isaac Hirotsu Woofter played a film crew member.

Click here, here, and here to watch a couple of newly uploaded video auditions of different actresses trying out roles recently on “One Life to Live.”

Several “OLTL” cast members have commented on the great work that their younger co-stars Austin Williams (Shane) and Eddie Alderson (Matthew) have done lately with regards to their respective storylines.  David A. Gregory (Ford) said on Facebook that “Eddie’s my dressing room buddy at ‘One Life’ – so proud! Between him and Austin as Shane this week, these dudes are on fire! Eddie Alderson TORE. IT. UP. Today [April 6]! Also, good to see JWS back as Papa Bear.” Mark Lawson (Brody) said “Agreed. The young men are really bringing it.” And Eddie’s older sister Kristen Alderson (Starr) tweeted that “Awesome ‘OLTL’ show today [April 5]! My brother is a good little actor! or should I say murderer….lol. How cool was it when Clint said Matthew killed Eddie!!! GAVE ME CHILLS!

Kristen also tweeted on April 3 that “My script for tomorrow made me cry.”

And the song used in the montage at the end of the April 5 episode was “The Water” by the group Hurts.

  • Casting
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  • Ted King
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  • Jessica Leccia
  • Kassie DePaiva
  • Austin Williams
  • Mark Lawson
  • Kristen Alderson
  • Roger Howarth
  • Trevor St. John
  • John Wesley Shipp
  • One Life to Life
  • Eddie Alderson
  • David Gregory
  • Comings & Goings
  • Matthew Conlon
  • Connie Renda
  • Chris Campanioni
  • Chris Cuba
  • Isaac Hirotsu Woofter
  • Hurts
  • Carolina Bermudez
  • Elvis Duran

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