Comings & GoingsNews

Brandon Buddy: ‘I Would Love to Come Back’ to ‘One Life to Live’

With his character Cole Thornhart serving a ten-year jail sentence for murdering a man and his on-screen mother Susan Haskell preparing to leave town, could Brandon Buddy be on his way back to Llanview?
Donna Svennevik/ABC

( — With his character Cole Thornhart serving a ten-year jail sentence for murdering a man and his on-screen mother Susan Haskell preparing to leave town, could Brandon Buddy be on his way back to Llanview?

You may recall that Buddy left the show last November after choosing not to renew his contract, following a much publicized Twitter hacking scandal. Now the actor takes to the social networking site again, this time to discuss the possibility of returning to “One Life to Live.

On April 13, Buddy tweeted a message to his fans, saying “As for going back to ‘OLTL’…. hmmm I’m not sure if it’s in my hands or not. I would love to come back for a little bit but only 4 all of u!”

Buddy played Cole, the son of Marty Saybrooke and the late Patrick Thornhart, from 2006-2010.

Kristen Alderson (Starr), Buddy’s former on-screen girlfriend recently tweeted in response to a question from a fan that “No, it was Brandon’s choice to leave [the show]…don’t feel sorry for him. =) It wasn’t ‘OLTL’s’ choice to not have him.”

On a related note, it appears that Cole’s deceased dad (Thorsten Kaye) may be returning to Llanview as well, since “One Life to Live” is currently casting a “Thorsten Kaye Body Double” for some upcoming scenes.

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