
GH Recap: Wednesday, March 23, 2011

GH Recap: Wednesday, March 23, 2011

( — "General Hospital" Episode Recap – Wednesday, March 23, 2011.


The Spencers come together during this time of loss. With Kristina’s help, Michael distracts Ronnie at the PCPD to get access to the list of suspects in Jake Webber’s hit and run.

Robin and Patrick enjoy a family breakfast with Emma. Meanwhile, Lisa is under investigation. She manages to steal back the incriminating syringe and destroys it. Later, Johnny and her make love.

Brenda reassures Sonny that despite her stillborn child, she finally has found home with Sonny and his children. Suzanne unwittingly gives up the location of Brenda’s child to Theo.

On the Next General Hospital…

  • Carly confronts Jason with her fears that she hit Jake.
  • Michael decides to protect his mother even if it means destroying evidence.
  • Patrick threatens Johnny.


  • General Hospital
  • Recaps

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