
Y&R PreVUE: Week of January 17 Edition


Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 11:10 PM ET by Venus Stone

( Truth and consequence…


Chloe and Kevin resort to sneaking around in order to be together. Daniel is released from the hospital to go home on, Monday, January 17. Victor is more determined than ever to get rid of Adam. On Wednesday, January 19, Kevin comes up with a plan to get Jana to remember.. Nick and Sharon’s custody case starts up.

The Inside Story: Risking One Life to Save Another
Determined to save Ronan’s life, Nina pleads with Christine to share the news about Ronan’s condition with Chance in hopes that he will be tested as a donor. Although Christine understands what Nina is saying and going through, she tells her friend that she will not put Chance’s life in danger by bringing him out in the open. Not giving up, Nina tells her that they can have it arranged where Chance is tested in secret. Meanwhile, a furious Heather confronts Ronan for lying to her regarding Chance. Soon after, Heather, Ronan, Christine and Nina are all together where, Chris and Nina are floored at the fact that Heather knows the truth. The four of them argue with one another as to why they had to fake Chance’s death. Heather feels betrayed that no one trusted her enough to be honest. Ronan points out that Chance was also the one that didn’t want Heather to know about faking his death. Nina, in the meantime, tells Ronan that she is not a match , which he is secretly upset about. When Nina tells him about wanting to get his brother tested, he too agrees that Christine is right in saying no, explaining by doing so would put a target right back on Chance’s back. Christine realizes that Ronan compromised himself by telling Heather the truth and fires him.. Meanwhile, not wanting to give up on saving her son’s life, Nina continues to ride Chris into going to Chance for help. Heather on the other hand wants Christine to give Ronan his job back. Later on, Heather and Ronan once again come face-to-face. The truth comes out about their feelings for one another and the two share a passionate kiss. As for Christine: she finally gives in to getting Chance to be a test donor, but she has one stipulation; it must be approved by Ronan. Not wanting to put everyone else in danger, Ronan decides that it’s time for him to leave Genoa City. Not wanting to lose another son, Nina tries her best to stop him before it’s too late.

A Closer Look:A New Start for Victoria and Billy
Shocked to see Billy holding a newborn baby in his arms, Victoria wants to know everything about where he got her. He tells her that he went through a speedy adoption process to bring the little girl home to her as soon as he can. Still stunned, Victoria continues to press him. Billy admits that although there were short cuts involved, the adoption is definitely legal. Although Victoria is captivated and drawn by the newborn, she is worried that once she gives her love to her, someone will return to take the baby away from them. Billy once again stresses that nothing is going to go wrong; the baby is theirs for good. When Victoria hears the baby crying, she instantly holds her, whispering that “Mommy is here”. Meanwhile, Phyllis heads over to the Abbott home with Restless Style paperwork for Billy to handle. When she arrives she spots the baby and immediately wants to know where it came from. Billy and Victoria talk to her briefly about the lightning quick adoption of her. Phyllis congratulates the two of them , hiding her sadness over the fact that her own granddaughter is missing. Being inspired by 1950’s television shows, Victoria and Billy agree on a name for their daughter: Lucy. Both are more than excited and ready to introduce the little red-head to the rest of the family.

What To Watch

  • Monday: Daniel comes across a sketch of a baby in his apartment
  • Tuesday: Nick is disgusted that Sharon has moved Adam into her home
  • Wednesday: Cane finds a new ally
  • Thursday: Colin manipulates himself a proposal to Jill
  • Friday Sharon faces public humiliation

The Young and the Restless News and Headlines

  • Lauralee Bell reprises her role of Christina Blair Williams, Thursday, January, 13 Bell has been reported to be in the role for a month
  • Word is that actress Tonya Lee Williams, who played “Olivia Barber Winters” will crossover to sister show, The Bold and the Beautiful for two episodes sometime this February. She will be revealed to have family ties to “Justin Barber”, who is played by actor Aaron D. Spears.
  • Thom Bierdz comes back February in the role of Phillip Chancellor III. No word yet as to how long he will be on.
  • SON Top 10: Who was the best of the best on "Y&R" during the week of January 10, 2010? You decide! The SON Top 10 is back! Voting begins Friday's at 4:00 PM, EST.


  • Faith is taken from Sharon
  • Nick ponders if he should cut things off with Diane
  • Daniel recognizes his newborn


  • Victor tries to help Sharon from a distance as her life continues to head on a downward spiral
  • Sharon can’t cope without Faith in her life
  • Victoria and Billy’s happiness is marred as trouble looms over them
  • Traci returns home to be a support system to her family
  • Colin’s manipulation of Jill pulls apart her relationship with Katherine at a time when they both need one another

"The Young and the Restless" airs Weekdays on CBS. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.


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