
OLTL PreVUE: Week of November 1 Edition

Friday, October 29, 2010 at 8:00 AM ET by Scotty Gore

Photo: Donna Svennevik/ABC

( — A look at what’s happening on “One Life to Live” during the week of November 1, 2010.


Viki and Rex confront Echo with the pendant that was found among her possessions on Monday, November 1. Meanwhile, Dorian urges Clint to keep a watchful eye on Echo. Viki asks Clint if he has found out what Echo’s agenda is. Later Echo makes a date with Clint, explaining that she has something very important to tell him. Roxy is pumped for information about Rex’s birth and childhood. Rex tells Gigi that he has to temporarily stop his investigation because Echo threatened to have him arrested for breaking and entering. By Thursday, November 4, Viki confronted Echo with the book of Rick and Lili’s letters, and accuses her of lying to Rex. And Cristian is presented with an opportunity to travel to Paris, and decides to tak Gigi along as his assistant.

The Inside Story: Hell Hath No Fury

Marty can’t believe Hannah’s actions after all she did to help the troubled teen. On Monday, November 1, John closes in on the truth about who really shot and killed Eli when Natalie tells him she found Cole’s fingerprints on the murder weapon. Faced with the truth, John has no choice but to place Cole under arrest. Marty fumes at the turn of events, slaps Natalie, and vows to get even with her. Cole, meanwhile, confesses that the thought of Starr and Hope being dead pushed him to take drastic action. Concerned, Starr wonders what this will mean for the future of her little family unit. Later, Blair is consumed with rage after learning that Hannah kidnapped Starr and Hope while supposedly under Marty’s supervision. On Tuesday, November 2, Starr acts surprised to learn that Cole is going to be charged with murder. John goes in search of Cole only to find an evasive James at the teens’ apartment. Shortly thereafter, Starr, Cole, and James come up with a plan to allude the authorities. Back at the police station, a frustrated Marty gives Natalie a piece of her mind. John hauls James in for questioning. Across town, Todd is ready to take Téa and Dani home, and is grateful that Eli’s reign of terror has finally come to an end. As they prepare to leave the hospital, however, the girls come face-to-face with Greg on Wednesday, November 3.

A Closer Look: Guilty as Charged

Shaun is shocked to see first-hand that Téa is alive, and apologizes to her for his brother’s betrayal, while Destiny does the same with Dani. After arriving home, Téa has a rather emotional moment with her “ashes.” Shaun wants to have a talk with Greg about Charlene. Destiny confides in Matthew. Bo and Nora have a meeting with Richard and Phylicia Evans. Elsewhere, Starr tries to comfort an upset Cole. James’ lies send the LPD on a wild goose chase. Natalie explains to Brody how Marty confronted her. Brody tells Natalie that he and Jessica still plan to have a paternity test performed, and hands Natalie a copy of his DNA in case she chooses to the same thing. On Thursday, November 4, Starr urges Cole to run away with her and Hope However, Cole decides to do the right thing and turn himself in. James tells Ford that he is falling deeper in love with Starr. Inez urges James to come clean before he gets arrested. Natalie decides to take a paternity test. Todd makes love to Téa and decides to have a party to celebrate her being alive. And on Friday, November 5, Starr is an emotional wreck as Cole is led off to a jail cell. Still fuming over what Natalie did to her, Marty discovers that she is about to a paternity test done. Jessica and Brody bump into Ford, who claims to be concerned about the baby’s well-being. And Ford and James receive a surprise visit from their abusive father.

One Life to Live News and Headlines:


  • Dorian calls a meeting of the Cramer girls. (Soap Opera Digest)
  • Kelly admits to having a secret crush on Rex. (Soap Opera Digest)
  • Rex wants answers from Echo. (Soap Opera Digest)
  • Cole receives his sentence. (Soap Opera Digest)
  • Cristian and Layla are reunited. (Soap Opera Weekly)
  • John questions Natalie. (Soap Opera Weekly)
  • Markko tells Langston good-bye. (Soap Opera Weekly)
  • Layla has a tough choice to make. (Soap Opera Weekly)
  • Todd and Téa host a back from the dead party. (Cable Guide Spoilers)
  • Starr, Kelly, and Gigi kiss all the wrong people. (Cable Guide Spoilers)
  • Ford and Langston grow closer. (Cable Guide Spoilers)
  • Echo is threatened by Clint. (Cable Guide Spoilers)
  • Just who is Rex’s biological mother after all? (Cable Guide Spoilers)

“One Life to Live” airs Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Anytime on and Check local listings.

  • One Life to Live
  • Starr
  • Langston
  • James
  • Cole
  • Hannah
  • Markko
  • Dani
  • Destiny
  • Viki
  • Dorian
  • Clint
  • Eli
  • Ford
  • Layla
  • Téa
  • Blair
  • Todd
  • Llanview
  • Natalie
  • Cristian
  • John
  • Greg
  • Rex
  • Roxy
  • Gigi
  • Kelly
  • Hope
  • Evans
  • Marty
  • Echo
  • Shaun
  • Brody
  • Lili
  • Rick
  • Richard
  • Phylicians

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