
‘One Life’ June Casting Notes

Photo: Yolanda Perez/ABC

Thursday, May 19, 2010 12:00 AM ET | By Scotty Gore

( — Summer brings some new and familiar faces to Llanview, Pennsylvania.

Tuc Watkins returns to town on Thursday, June 3rd, when David makes a surprise appearance as his Pa (Bo) is about to re-marry his step-mother Nora. Later, look for David to catch Bo in an awkward position after a furry little black critter with a white stripe creates a big stink in the church. Unlike his past few stints in Llanview, however, expect Watkins’ to remain in town indefinitely as the actor has signed a new contract with “One Life to Live.”

Is Catherine Hickland returning to “One Life” as Nora’s incarcerated nemesis Lindsay Rappaport early next month? Maybe not, since Hickland has hinted that the rumors aren’t true. But, whether she is onscreen or not, look for Bo and Nora to receive a wedding gift from Lindsay on Tuesday, June 8th.

Speaking of possible returns, Lindsay won’t be the only off-canvas character mentioned in the coming weeks. On Friday, June 4th, the wedding party goes into panic mode when Andrew is a no-show shortly before the ceremony is set to begin. But will Robert Krimmer reprise the role or will someone else marry the lovebirds?

Also, two recent “OLTL” audition scripts for minor roles will play into the wedding (those for a wedding singer and a dental student). Expect a couple of pest control experts to factor into the plot as well.

In other minor casting notes…

Todd’s dayplayer thug kidnaps Hannah and bring her to him on Friday, May 28th. On Tuesday and Wednesday, May 25th and 26th, Todd’s arraignment gets underway with a less than hospitable judge. 

A young stranger (rumored to be named James), approaches Starr on Wednesday, June 9th. It is not known who has been cast in the role, however. The following day, Ford receives a visit from a relative while recuperating from his wounds. Could the two be related?

More information has surfaced regarding the audition script for Chief Lynch, which was released earlier this month. As the scene opens, he meets “Abby” at her grandparents cabin. Abby believes that he is there to talk to her them, however they aren’t there at the time. He responds that he has already spoken with them, and asks her if she is there all alone. She responds in the affirmative, and claims that all is well and good. Lynch states that he needs to speak with her, and suggests they go inside the cabin to have their chat. However, Abby claims that the cabin is an absolute mess, to which Lynch says it doesn’t matter to him. She then says that her grandparents wouldn’t forgive her if she let someone sees the place in such a state, and asks the chief how she can be of assistance. Lynch informs her that he received a call from Lt. “Jason Mason” with the Llanview PD, warning him that she was wanted on attempted murder charges. Acting shocked, Abby claims it is a total lie. She then reminds Lynch that he has known her and her family for years, and that she is no murderer. He tells her that he had a difficult time believing it, but that he needs to take her downtown to get the matter straightened out. As the scene ends, Abby blurts out that she can’t leave the cabin right now, which makes Lynch suspicious. Remember that “OLTL” often changes names in these audition scripts in an attempt to throw off viewers.

Lenny Platt (Nate) tweeted on May 13th that “I’ve only worked with her one day so far, but she’s lovely. Lucky to be working with her.” The ‘her’ is Jessica Leccia, who will premiere as Nate’s mother Inez on Friday, June 18th.

And two other new characters, Rick and Lili, will be mentioned the week of May 24th, with regards to someone who has been looking for answers lately about where they came from. However it doesn’t look like they’ll be appearing in the flesh at this time, they may appear in flashbacks.

“One Life to Live” airs Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Anytime on and Check local listings.

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