
AMC PreVUE: Week of August 10 Edition

Friday, August 7, 2009 8:00 AM ET | By Angela Rosa

( — Plans, plans, plans.


David offers JR a “fair” exchange on Monday, August 10. Scott gives JR some sound advice. David makes JR’s choice for him when he explains to a hurt Marissa just why JR has been keeping his distance on Wednesday, August 12. David plants one on Liza on Tuesday, August 11. A spurned David’s observation gets under Liza’s skin. Opal, Jake, Amanda, Tad and Taylor target David as the culprit when Trevor goes missing after they leave him alone in as alley as part of their master plan on Thursday, August 13. Tad and Jake learn that David’s been making numerous calls to a number in Massachusetts after sneaking into his home. North’s murder investigation is re-opened after Angie questions the autopsy report. Angie confronts Jesse after putting the pieces together on Friday, August 14. Erica and Ryan’s attraction builds.

The Inside Story: Kiss of the Spider Woman
Annie puts on quite the performance when a contentious Ryan confronts her about calling Emma. Scott comes to Annie’s defense and kicks Ryan out on Monday, August 10. Annie continues to work Scott. Emma calls her mother to question when she can stop lying to her father. Annie makes Emma promise that she’ll never talk about what she really saw the night Stuart was shot. Ryan goes to Jesse after learning about Annie’s cell phone antics. Annie is delighted when Adam promises to help her get Emma back. On Tuesday, August 11, Adam has a flashback to the night of Stuart’s murder but doesn’t share the memory with Annie. Scott pulls a seductive Annie into a kiss. Annie has big plans as she takes possession of the surveillance tapes of both JR and Scott clearly initiating kisses with her.

A Closer Look: The Secret Room
Erica and Ryan confront Zach about his refusal to visit Kendall. Erica is baffled when the prison official turns her away claiming Kendall is refusing all visitors. On Monday, August 10, a disoriented Kendall begins to regain consciousness in a secret room at the Slater residence. Kendall begins to remember the events of the day of her hearing. Zach explains his plan to a reluctant Kendall and presses home the point that she’ll never have to leave her boys again. Kendall agrees to go along with Zach’s plan. Kendall wants to clear the air. Zach has been taking money from the casino to finance his plan. On Wednesday, August 12, Liza is incredulous as Zach shares that’s he’s going to get inside the Chandler circle by convincing Adam to give him a loan. Zach is determined to prove Annie’s guilt.

All My Children News and Headlines:


  • Tad come cleans with Liza in an effort to recruit her into his plans for David.(National Enquirer)
  • Randi and Jesse finally come clean with their significant others. (National Enquirer)

“All My Children” airs Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.

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