
AMC PreVUE: Week of May 25 Edition

Friday, May 22, 2009 8:00 AM EST | By Angela Rosa

( — Does the truth set you free?


Adam asks JR and Scott to run Chandler Enterprises together. Colby’s mom and dad, Liza and Adam, clash on Wednesday, May 27. Krystal is bolstered by Marissa’s unexpected return. Pine Valley comes together to pay a very emotional farewell to Stuart Chandler on Thursday, May 28. Still acting rather peculiar, Tad delivers a unique tribute in memory of Stuart. Colby softens towards Liza. A stunned Colby later overhears her mother and Jake discussing the disturbing details of her conception on Friday, May 29.

The Inside Story: Prime Suspect
Liza successfully manages to turn Jesse’s suspicions away from her when she reveals to him that she saw Kendall at the mansion aiming a gun straight at “Adam” on the night of the murder. Meanwhile, on a mission to protect his ex-wife, Zach pleads guilty to murdering Stuart and is sentenced to prison. Jesse can’t ignore the holes in Kendall’s alibi for the night of the murder nor the fact that both Zach and Ryan’s behavior reeks of trying to cover for her. Kendall learns what Liza’s been up to on Wednesday, May 27. Jesse arrives at the church just as Stuart’s funeral is about to get underway and arrests Kendall for murder. Erica accuses Liza of targeting Kendall to deflect blame from the real murderer: Liza! The fur flies between Erica and Liza on Friday, May 29. Kendall swears that she didn’t kill Stuart. Ms. Hart finds an unlikely friend in the form of the convict in the cell next door, Annie.

A Closer Look: In the End
David is taken before the hospital ethics committee on Tuesday, May 26. Nurse Gayle bursts Jake and Angie’s bubble when she takes the blame for all of David’s misdeeds. A relieved David gives Gayle a large sum of money and offers her a job taking care of a patient at a private facility in another town. David makes it clear to a chilled Amanda that he’s going to stake his claim to their child. Krystal is appalled when she comes upon David offering Jake money to buy Amanda’s unborn child. A regretful David admits that he can’t stop himself from doing horrible things and pleads with Krystal for understanding. Krystal takes off her wedding ring and walks out on David on Friday, May 29.

All My Children News and Headlines:


“All My Children” airs Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.

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