
ABC Previews Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 4:06 AM ET | Scotty Gore

( — Yes, it was created as a day off to remember deceased friends and loved ones, or the official start of summer according to many, but Memorial Day is also a day where ABC Daytime gets to remember the good stuff they’ve aired in the recent past.

On Monday, May 25, instead of showing first-run episodes of your favorite ABC Daytime dramas like “All My Children,” “General Hospital” or “One Life to Live,” the network has opted to air repeat episodes of the soaps. These episodes are said to be defining moments in each soaps current storylines.

  • “All My Children” Episode #10086 (original air date 2/16/09) — Kendell loses control of the car while arguing with Zach, ending up on the wrong side of the road with Greenlee’s motorcycle coming right at them. Kendall and Zach are unhurt but Greenlee’s motorcycle has careened down into the ravine by the riverbank. Zach goes off to search for Greenlee but only finds her wedding veil and what’s left of her mangled bike. Zach tells Kendall he’s going to take the blame for the accident and claims that he was the one driving. Ryan soon arrives on the scene and begins a desperate search for Greenlee, diving into freezing waters. The rescue team soon arrives on the scene and begins their search but the situation is bleak. Kendall admits to Ryan that she and Zach were arguing in the car. Ryan stuns Kendall when he accuses Zach of having slept with Reese. Ryan attacks Zach, blaming him for running Greenlee off the road. Meanwhile, Bianca and Reese are married in a heartfelt ceremony. The festivities back at the end come to a halt when Zach and Kendall return and inform everyone of the accident. Kendall seethes as she glares at Reese and then collapses after clutching her chest. A lucid Annie tells Aidan she realizes she’s lost Ryan but says that he was never hers to begin with. Aidan convinces Annie that she needs to go back to Oak Haven to get well. Annie is grateful to have Aidan on her side. Annie looks in on Emma, vowing to get well for her little girl. JR notices that Amanda seems jumpy in front of Frankie, Jake and Randi whenever he’s around.
  • “One Life to Live” Episode #10387 ‘Mother Courage’ (original air date 3/9/09) — Cole, driving under the influence with Matthew, causes a horrific crash with Gigi and Shane’s car. After hearing the sound of the crash, John and Marty go to investigate and immediately jump into action when they arrive on the scene. While John frees Gigi and Shane, Marty summons near superhuman strength to rescue Cole, who’s been trapped under the overturned car. No one, however, is aware that Matthew had been thrown from the car. At the hospital, Cole nearly overdoses from the pills he took. Bo is alarmed when he finds Matthew’s hat at the crash site. Meanwhile, Blair is in critical condition at the hospital and is taken in for surgery. Dorian points a guilty finger at Todd, who swears to Talia that he didn’t attack Blair. Starr tries to make Schuyler see her as more than just a student but he explains that he can never do that. Schuyler tells Starr that he’s been suspended from teaching indefinitely and that they can no longer spend time together. After drugging his drink, Stacy puts the moves on a disoriented Rex. Gigi tries to call Rex to tell him about the accident but Stacy makes sure he doesn’t get the calls.
  • “General Hospital” Episode #11529 (original air date 4/7/08) — News of Michael’s shooting quickly spreads as he’s rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, Jason urges Carly to pull herself together and stay strong for Michael. Patrick informs Carly and Sonny that Michael is in critical condition with a bullet lodged in his head and will need surgery. Patrick refuses to allow Robin to assist him in the operating room as she’s too emotionally tied to Michael. Sonny takes his misplaced anger out on Jason. Carly accuses Sonny of being the one who didn’t protect their son. Lulu and Johnny make love but then head to the hospital after Spinelli informs them about Michael. Lucky tells Alexis that it appears as though Michael was hit by a ricochet bullet that was probably meant for Sonny. Jerry confronts Ian and threatens to kill him. Johnny and Claudia are horrified by what they’ve done.

Original episodes of your favorite ABC soaps return Tuesday, May 26.

“All My Children,” “General Hospital,” and “One Life to Live” air Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.

Discussion: ABC Previews Memorial Day

  • All My Children
  • One Life to Live
  • General Hospital

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